1Step 1
Get an ATTiny85 Devboard (or use mine) https://oshpark.com/shared_projects/ZDUBhs9S And an AVR Programmer
2Step 2
Check out a copy of avr_vhf from here: https://github.com/cnlohr/avr_vhf
3Step 3
Plug two wires into PB3 and PB4 of your AVR, PB3 should be shorter than PB4. I've typically made them about 2 feet long. I don't know enough about RF to know the correct length for them, maybe 614mm? The other one I made about 9 inches shorter.
4Step 4
Turn on an analog TV set to channel 3. If you don't see static, it's unlikely you'll be able to do this project.
5Step 5
Program your AVR, then change the OSCCAL value until you find the correct frequency for broadcast on your particular AVR. All AVRs have different clocks.
6Step 6
You now have an awful VHF Broadcast AVR Multimeter/Oscilloscope
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