The NEQ5 mount motorization kit power source is a set of 4 D size batteries wired in serie to provide 6V output.
The motors use around ~350mA, so with a typical alcaline battery of 12000mAh, you should be able to power your scope for 34h.
Not bad you might say, but the accuracy of the motors will start to worsen with the battery depleting.
This is kind of a waste when you are in a place with AC power available.
I found out that the motor kit will work perfectly fine when powered from USB.
The quick and dirty way to add USB power to the mount is simply to solder the + and - lanes of an USB cable to the + and - wires coming out of the battery pack.
Minor correction: The motors use 350 mA, not 350 mAh. If you ran them for an hour, they'd use 350 mAh.