
January Progress report

A project log for Speeduino

The Arduino ECU / EMS Project. Open, cheap, hacker friendly engine management

josh-stewartJosh Stewart 02/04/2016 at 21:450 Comments

Another month down already! Due to various work and outside commitments, things have been slightly quiet on the firmware front in January, but there have been a few important changes made. I say important because one of these changes affects how you compile the firmware and means you WILL need to make a small change to your current setup for the new firmware.

The good news here is that there is no longer the requirement to copy the libs files over into your arduino\libraries directory! This takes advantage of a new feature that came out in Arduino 1.6.6 allowing in directory includes and will make it much simpler for new users to get going and compile the firmware. This also means that the minimum required Arduino version is now 1.6.6, the code will not compile on earlier versions!

2 things to do if you have previously compiled Speeduino:

  1. Make sure you have at least Arduino version 1.6.6. If not, this can be downloaded over at:
  2. Delete the directories 'Adafruit_SSD1306', 'Adafruit_GFX' and 'PID_v1' from your arduino\libraries folder

Once you've done this, restart Arduino and the latest code should compile without any problems.

So, with that large change out of the way, the new features added during January were:

As always, the latest firmware can be downloaded over at the wiki: ... e_firmware

So that sums it up for Jan. February should allow me to get back onto things more seriously. There are some nice things bubbling away on the hardware side too, but they are likely a few months away.
