Project uses native software with standalone http server. Web site was tested on iPhone. Source code is GitHub and contains two Makefile: one for linux toolchain and one for Mac OS X.
Donate / support
If you like this project and want to support my work please donate HERE. Thanks !!!
From donations I'll buy other ESP types and different models of relays.
If you have any suggestions, ideas of new features which can be added to this project, please leave it in comments.
Missing features / things to do / ideas:
- Add reset button - after reset ESP8266 should works as AP (Access Point). Step to this is done, I used two resistor instead of one.
- Hitch ESP to relay and don't used cables to connect them
- Test different ESP types/version with different number of relays and connections
Hi, I build this switch time ago, it work very well. This was my first experiment in IOT and I'm happy. Now the question: can use the switch in monostable mode instead? At least 1 channel, 300ms or so is great. I'm not a software guy so don't know where change values to do this.
Alberto IW0HJZ