Updates to the display board and a little more
02/01/2022 at 00:02 • 0 comments2nd whack on the display board. Not sure where my head was with the first try, the nixie foot print was wrong and the anode drivers were just all wrong.
I still have a small fix on the cpu card itself, but I will hold that fix off for a bit. It was nothing an X-acto knife and a jumper didn't fix.
I will be submitting the board changes to github as well as changes to the code to ease configuration.
NixieStat ESP32 is now alive!
01/17/2022 at 01:31 • 0 commentsFinally have a working prototype for version 2 of the NixieStat. My older AVR based version sied last year so I updated it. Some might say over engineered it ;).
This new version is an ESP32 based system with remote sensors. The system uses the Mosquito MQTT bus running on a RaspberryPI to handle feeding the data from the remote sensors to the thermostat itself.
Since my first priority was getting a thermostat that would keep my house comfy, don't have a display for it yet. Since my nouse is now comfy, I am starting on the next step, the User interface.
The source, including code and hardware drawing is now in github.com. The code resides in 2 repositories croftj/nixiestat and croftj/esp_components.
Documentation is quite sketchy at this point but will hopefully get better as time goes on.