
Raspberry Pi Fona PiHat

All in one, plug in pi hat that includes a power converter, adafruit FONA, on a hackaday perma proto hat

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I started playing with the adafruit FONA not long ago and slowly realized it needed a more friendly and transportable version than the breadboard it lived on for its first few weeks.

I started with the fancy hackaday permaproto hat and soldered on the FONA and Adafruit Powerboost. Following the Piphone guide, i wired the battery into fona, fona out and into the power board JST, then out again and onto the PiHat power rails which in turn feeds down through the GPIO and powers the pi!

Pin out is as such on the bottom:
Very bottom yellow - bridges the bat and vio pins on the FONA
next up yellow - connects bat on FONA to + positive on the power board JST
top horizontal yellow - connects the gnd from FONA to power board gnd
vertical yellow - connects the power board output back down to the gnd power rail
vertical green - connects the power board output down to the + rail
vertical right green - connects Pi RX to FONA TX
vertical orange - connects Pi TX to FONA RX

Oh and cant forget, i black taped a fat 2000mah 3.7 battery to the bottom of my A+. add an hdmi screen and use it like that or add a wifi dongle and use it as a Pivot box.

  • 1 × Hackaday Permaproto Pi Hat
  • 1 × Adafruit FONA SMA version
  • 1 × Adafruit Powerboost
  • 1 × breadboard wires
  • 1 × 3.7 2000mah lipo

View all 7 components

  • TING mobile!!

    fhlipZero05/19/2015 at 03:10 2 comments

    just wanted to give an update, i recently replaced my tmobile sim with a much more reasonably priced Ting mobile card. $6 a month if i dont use it all sounds pretty good to me. Also an antenna finally :P I still use it as a drop box just as a mobile hotspot in dire situations. I plan on doing the next update when i can get a 3g version!

  • Reverse SSH running!

    fhlipZero03/02/2015 at 06:06 0 comments

    took lots of tinkering with ssh to get it to work but just got my reverse connection running! The Pi now boot, starts the FONA PPP connection, then does a reverse back to my local machine over the cell network. The command prompt is laggy as expected with the 2g data rate but its a worth while trade off. This Pi can now act as a pivot box or a remote recon box, next test will be to see the actual battery life with an active data connection, heres hoping the A+ pulls little enough that it lasts a good while!


    fhlipZero03/01/2015 at 22:01 0 comments

    got around to unsoldering the ugly random breadboard cables and used some small gauge to clean up the bottom a lot, next step will probably be a dremel to open up the SIM card area


    fhlipZero02/28/2015 at 00:11 0 comments

    I had a real internal debate when placing the fona: like it is trapping the SIM on the bottom, or sim side up which didn't give all the pretty blinking lights.

    Thinking now I might disassemble and cut a hole in the HAT giving access to the SIM slot then run some smaller gauge neater wire to pretty it u

  • First assembly and testing

    fhlipZero02/27/2015 at 10:58 0 comments

    Seems to work pretty good so far, can charge the battery while using or run on battery alone. Currently setting up a script to email its current IP on the FONA so it can be dropped and act as a Pivot box.

View all 5 project logs

  • 1
    Step 1

    disable serial

    nano /boot/cmdline.txt

    remove console=ttyAMA0,115200 kgdboc=ttyAMA0,115200

    nano /etc/inittab

    comment out T0:23:respawn:/sbin/getty -L ttyAMA0 115200 vt100

    sudo apt-get update

    sudo apt-get install ppp screen elinks

    screen /dev/ttyAMA0 115200

    AT command should return OK

    sudo -i

    cd /etc/ppp/peers/


    edit config to below

    # Example PPPD configuration for FONA GPRS connection on Debian/Ubuntu.

    # MUST CHANGE: Change the -T parameter value **** to your network's APN value.

    # For example if your APN is 'internet' (without quotes), the line would look like:

    # connect "/usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/chatscripts/gprs -T internet"

    connect "/usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/chatscripts/gprs -T"

    # MUST CHANGE: Uncomment the appropriate serial device for your platform below.

    # For Raspberry Pi use /dev/ttyAMA0 by uncommenting the line below:


    # For BeagleBone Black use /dev/ttyO4 by uncommenting the line below:


    # Speed of the serial line.


    # Assumes that your IP address is allocated dynamically by the ISP.


    # Try to get the name server addresses from the ISP.


    # Use this connection as the default route to the internet.


    # Makes PPPD "dial again" when the connection is lost.


    # Do not ask the remote to authenticate.


    # No hardware flow control on the serial link with FONA


    # No modem control lines with FONA.


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Alejandro wrote 08/02/2015 at 02:03 point

Curious if the SIM card situation was handled and how the SSH reverse shell worked out? 

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