Just quick update what I've managed to do:
- it's possible to choose between central (without phone) and peripheral (with phone) mode on watch start
- I've written simple android app that sends sensor data from IpSensorMan to a watch in peripheral mode. Currently it's only HR and CSC but it's extremely easy to add any other sensor type that IpSensorMan supports. IpSensorMan supports both ANT and BLE devices (to use BLE devices you need to install beta version of this app)
- In central mode watch can connect directly to HR sensor. Other sensors will be added but it requires a little bit more work then adding them in peripheral mode.
- I rewrote gui so it's now more generic and allow to use controls on a screen. Still it requires a bit of work to be able to define what should be displayed on a watch from the phone screen (like cycling speed in this place and this size, heart rate there etc.)
- Handling notifications like missed phone calls and sms is still TODO
- I've managed to create a firmware that reverts watch to original softdevice/bootloader so it will be possible to go back to original firmware if you don't like mine ;)
- I've embedded PAWN abstract machine so it's possible to run scripts on a watch but only from internal flash/ram, have to rewrite it to be able to read them from external flash.
All of this is still an alpha version so I have to put some more work to make it user friendly and generic. Expect some photos/videos how this works in the next week.
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I've just published new android app and firmware (0.2.0). It should be available in play store in 4-5 hours.
There's only one new feature: incoming call notification and possibility to reject call with back button (like in original firmware).
Firmware can be found here:https://github.com/ossw/ossw-firmware-s120/releases/tag/0.2.0
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witaj Krzyśku. Widze apka do zegarka uaktualniona. :) jak tam ida prace nad softem i z czym nowym sie uporales. Trzymam kciuki za pomyslnosc projektu.
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Hi, I didn't manage to do much in this week (work, life etc ;) ), my priorities are:
- create documentation about writing watchsets/extensions
- add notifications
I've updated the app because I needed some small change for Tasker plugin: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.althink.android.ossw.plugins.tasker
sample usage is here: https://github.com/ossw/ossw-firmware-s120/releases/download/0.1.0/tasker.json
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I need few more days for the release so be patient ;)
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Cześć, są jakieś nowości ... ;)
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I've just published an android app in google play store so it should be available in 24h. It's published as beta so it will be available only to members of google group ossw-beta, you can register here: https://groups.google.com/group/ossw-beta
I will post what's working and how to write custom extensions that expose functions/properties to the watch in this week.
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When you're part of ossw-beta then you can access the app here: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.althink.android.ossw
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Latest watch firmware:
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Hello Krzysiek, can you tell me what is Watchsets?
Exactly now, the app has a function? Or only when build a Watchset or extensions?
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Watchset is a definition of multiple screens and possible actions on them. You can find some simple watchsets here: https://github.com/ossw/ossw-firmware-s120/releases (*.json files)
Watchset can use:
1. internal parameters: current time, battery level etc.,
2. external parameters from extensions:
- IpSensorMan - heart rate, cycling speed, cycling cadence
- Music player - play, pause, next/prev song
- Simple (just for tests) -
and any other extension that someone writes.
3. sensor data: currently only heart rate in central mode
So yes, without extensions and watchsets you cannot do anything. I will publish IpSensorMan and Music player plugin this night (I'm lack of time now)
Notifications (phone/sms/mail) will be added in next release because I couldn't do everything now.
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ok, thanks for the answer.
I don't know why, but I can't add A watchset, I've downloaded all from the link that you posted, I can't select it to add.
If you need any help and have patient to teach me I can help you, I know how to programming in C++, if this could help.
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This happen when I use a file manager to use the .json :
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Looks like your phone doesn't assign "application/json" content type to *.json files :/ I will change it to "*/*" so it will allow to select any file.
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The second screen is normal, those watchsets use extensions that are not yet published in play store (should be available tonight)
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Extensions will be available here when google will publish them:
Source code for sample plugin is available here: https://github.com/ossw/ossw-android-sample-plugin
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Ok, get them all.
the Music Player and the Sample its all ok!!!! :D
the ipsensor, my watch shows 0 every time, peripheral or central.
If the Music Player shows the name of the music it will be perfect
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What kind of heart rate sensor are you using (model)? Is it visible in IpSensorMan application?
IpSensorMan extension is only for peripheral mode. Because in central watch is not connected to the phone. In central mode watch is connected to heart rate sensor directly.
Music player extension expose track name, artist and album name and those properties are used in a sample "musicplayer" watchset. What application are you using to play music, there's no standard way to handle all music players and maybe I have to fix something for yours.
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Now the heart sensor its ok! it was my mistake.
the Music player that I use is: Spotify
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Fixed, I've published 0.1.1 version of music player extension, should be available in 4-5 hours.
Make sure to enable "Settings"->"Device Broadcast Status" in Spotify app (without this fix will not help)
After updating the plugin make sure to kill OSSW service ("Close" option in top right corner in the app) because backend service will have a broken handle, will fix this issue some day ;) )
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Cześć Krzysiek,
Mam jeszcze jedną sugestię, według producenta układu zegarek posiada czujnik temperatury, byłoby wspaniale gdyby istniała możliwość wykorzystania tego dobrodziejstwa inwentarza.
Wśród użytkowników fabrycznego softu powszechne były głosy o celowości wprowadzenia takich funkcjonalności jak stoper, myślę że również cenną funkcjonalności byłby budzik oraz odliczanie.
Czy skrót CRC oznacza czujnik prędkości i kadencji?
P.S. Bardzo chciałbym Ci pomóc, ale nie jestem informatykiem i to co robisz jest dla mnie zjawiskiem z zakresu cudotwórstwa. Weloop/GoClever przez blisko rok nie potrafiły (nie chciały) opracować przyzwoitego softu do zegarka, a Ty jednoosobowo realizujesz taki ambitny projekt..heh...Designed and made in Poland by One Mam ;)
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Z tego co widzę to nie ma tam zewnętrznego czujnika temperatury, akcelerometr nie ma funkcji zwracania temperatury więc zostaje czujnik w procesorze ale on pokazuje temperaturę procesora (więc większą niż temp środowiska) a do tego jest bardzo niedokładny, około +- 7stC więc raczej nie da się go użyć do czegoś sensownego. Jak dokończę apkę i wgrywanie ekranów to popatrzę czy da się coś z nim zrobić.
CSC - tak, prędkość i kadencja na rowerze, oczywiście potrzebny jest do tego czujnik działający na BLE/ANT
Jak tylko uzyskam jakąś stabilną wersją softu i ją opublikuję zajmę się nowymi feature'ami, na razie zacząłem za dużo rzeczy na raz i muszę je pokończyć ;)
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there will exists watchfaces?
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Yes, but in different form that in weloop. What I want to do is a separation between functions and the view, so you can have extensions on a phone that allow to control music player, gopro or anything you want a then you can define a screen that will show time in a form you want or cycling speed, heart rate and define that given button will turn on recording on gopro, and other button will allow to skip current song.
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I'm afraid that for notes and music control you will have to wait few weeks more ;)
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Nice progress. Could you post a few pictures of the watch with your firmware? Im deciding if i will switch from Chronos. Mostly i need just:
- time
- sending notes
- music control
How are those features? Thanks :)
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