
Test print, printing..

A project log for Arcus-3D-P1 - Pick and Place for 3D printers

Open source, mostly 3D printable, lightweight pick and place head for a standard groove mount

masterofnullMasterOfNull 02/10/2018 at 03:160 Comments

I have a boat load of this red PLA, so doing a fast print in it just to check the fit of everything before I commit it to nylon.

I can see already that some areas are way, way thicker than they need to be.  When I generated the model, I subtracted an inner hull from the outer hull but apparently my offset was really excessive and I didn't bother to look at the cross sectional view before I started the print.

I was wondering why Cura was calculating 24g for printed weight.  Now I know.

EDIT:  I edited the model thinning out the solid blocks of plastic I had in some areas.  It's now 20g and that's probably where I'll leave it as the remaining solid areas, like the groove mount and PnP nozzle area, really should be solid. 

I was also going too fast for my cooling, and over-extruding a bit too much so it was getting messy on the overhangs.  I stopped the print.  It's been a while since I've printed in PLA.  :)

I did get two of the measurements I needed though and tweaked those.  Printing again.
