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A project log for Project

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richard-hogbenRichard Hogben 03/07/2014 at 19:19306 Comments

Your Hackaday Profile is the best way to express yourself. Fill it out completely so people can learn more about you.

Basic profile info

When you first sign up to, we ask you to enter some basic info about yourself such as: your username (which becomes your vanity url), location, a word or two about yourself, tags for others to find you easily, and external links to your profiles on other networks. You can always change these by going to Edit my Profile

My Projects & Projects I contribute to

When you Add a Project, it will appear on your profile under the section My Projects available under profile drop-down menu. We'll highlight only the most liked projects and the rest will be visible by clicking on View all projects.

We highly encourage collaboration. That's why we have a contributors list when creating projects. If you are part of a project, we'll highlight that project on your profile.

Things I've built

You can tell users about your projects in two ways: by adding a project, or by listing them on your Things I've Built section. This section is for projects that you don't have enough material to document. All you have to do is upload one small image and write a brief summary about your project.

My pages

Whenever you have something to say to the world, or just want to rant, you can Create a Page about it. Think of this section as your personal blog. Like projects and profiles, pages also have comments feature.


You can be mentioned by or mention another user by using the '@' followed by username of the user. Mentions can be made in many areas across the Site, such as: Comments, Messages, project logs, Details, Stack etc. If a user mentions you anywhere on the site (except Messages), you will be notified via email and on your Private Feed.


It's 2016. There was no way we could name this guestbook. Write a bit on your profile, on other's profiles, say something useful or give feedback.

What are you working on? What cool things have you built? Document them, share with the universe, get feedback, find collaborators.

Basic project info

When adding a project, we ask you to enter some basic details like name of the project, photos, a short description, tags so people can discover your project, external links (i.e. project homepage, GitHub, social links, etc.) and team members.

When you add team members to your project, these members will be able to update some parts of your project page, like the project logs. They will also appear on the Team section of the project page. Fellow users who would like to contribute can also request you to join.

Private Projects

You can create your project in private mode if you are not yet ready to show it to the world. A project can be made private by simply changing the tag inside Edit project page to 'PRIVATE'. All projects are public by default.


The project details section is where you can write everything about your project. Most people use this section to explain how their builds work.

Project logs

Logs are a great way to keep your project followers up to date. It logs the progress of a project from start to finish.


The components list is an easy way to show all the parts/items you used in your project. It also lets you add the quantity of parts used.

Build Instructions

If you feel like sharing how to build your project in a step by step guide, Instructions is the tool you are looking for.


As the name suggests, the project discussions section is where visitors can leave feedback or ask questions. This section is available for individual logs and Build Instructions of a project too. Whenever someone leaves a comment, you'll get an email notification (assuming you did not disable email notifications) and you'll see it on your Private Feed.


Any project can be mentioned by using the '#' followed by the project name. If your project is mentioned, you will be notified on your Private Feed and via email. Projects can be mentioned in all the areas where users can be mentioned.


If there's one place you want to go to view all media related to a project, this is it. You can view, share and download images and videos of a project by clicking on 'View Gallery' right below the main project photo.

You can follow projects and people on to stay up to date. Just look for the Follow button on the project page or the person's profile.

When you follow someone, you'll see activities from them on your Private Feed page. This works the same for other user's projects; follow the ones you like and you'll know about any updates to the project, the addition of new build logs, etc.

Just saw a cool project? Like it! Likes are a way of saying "This project is cool". If you collect more likes, your project will eventually have more visibility. Users can sort projects by 'Most liked' in the project listing page. uses Redactor editor to make editing easy. It is a toolbar that is available as you scroll down the page. All options have helpful tool-tips.

Features of the editor are:


You can turn any text into a link by using the context menu. To do this, simply select the text, and click on the link icon of the context editor.


As with links, you can add images from the context menu. But a simpler way is to just drag and drop images from your device!

Copy & Paste

One of the coolest things about the editor is that you can copy any styled text from another page (i.e. your blog) and paste it to Project Details, Logs or similar pages and it'll match our styling. This should work perfectly in most cases, but be sure to double check before publishing your content.

One small thing about copy & paste: if you do this from a page with images, your images will not be uploaded to Instead they would be linked to the original page. In most cases, this is not a problem but if something happens to the original page, your images won't be visible on either. To prevent this, you may want to add your images manually.


Have a video you want to add to your project or page? If it's hosted on YouTube or Vimeo, simply get the URL of your video and paste it in the editor when you are adding your content. After pasting the URL, pressing Enter will turn the link into an embedded video.

Code snippets

A code snippet can be added by clicking on the code icon and choosing the language. This can later be edited as well.


There are many options for styling your text. The styling options can be applied after entering the text. Options such as bold, italic, headers, tables and lists are available for representation. Separators and 'Read More' are available for organizing the text well.


Amberly Garcia wrote 07/23/2023 at 22:45 point

I am brand new at this! I have no current or past projects. Just gathering research to see which direction I want to grow into.

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Don wrote 07/21/2023 at 22:54 point

this is beautiful 

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John Ryan wrote 07/20/2023 at 17:21 point

I built a spot welder using a microwave transformer 

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Stephen J. Rex wrote 07/25/2023 at 10:33 point


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Nerd650 wrote 07/04/2023 at 19:30 point

good friends developing read tecnperfect project

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Nana Agyei wrote 06/15/2023 at 03:45 point

Thank you for that 

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gbemandrel wrote 06/14/2023 at 17:31 point

I need help, PLEASE!  I purchased a 1500W fiber laser cleaner from China.  It worked ok, but it kept burning up the mirrors after the machine got warm. They have replaced the laser hand held device 4x's, but it keeps happening and now they won't talk to me.  I know its not the laser hand held device, but the software they created. Since they won't talk to me anymore, this machine is just sitting. It has a 1500W Raycus fiber laser box, water cooling machine and the software they attached to it. My idea is to remove their interface junk and install a 2D box with software, get a 2D gantry and make this into a fiver laser machine for metal cutting.  At least I can use this!  Anybody have any ideas?

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p8p671 wrote 06/08/2023 at 20:55 point

I made OpenWrt works on Antminer T9+ need a place to tell how it goes and better notify the people who might need this information

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jwrayburn wrote 06/07/2023 at 13:47 point

I am interested in home automation, including making a mailbox notification system/app using either LoraWan or Z-wave LR protocol.

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bastolajeeban wrote 06/06/2023 at 08:39 point


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Michael Gardi wrote 06/05/2023 at 20:28 point

I no longer seem to be able to change the order of the photos in the Description section of my Challenger 4P Reproduction project.

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Richard Hogben wrote 06/08/2023 at 23:54 point

The order of the 6 thumbnails shown on the left column?

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Michael Gardi wrote 06/09/2023 at 00:15 point

Yes. I just checked again and all seems to be well. Not sure what was going on. Thanks for getting back to me. 

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bgasganteng11 wrote 06/04/2023 at 14:17 point

Can I learn hacking here? I want to be a defacer

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pradip wrote 05/13/2023 at 00:12 point

fpga altera ii firmware read and write to another altera max ii. How its possible please suggest all step.

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Continental Immigration wrote 05/02/2023 at 12:21 point

With what?

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maissa.arjoun wrote 04/26/2023 at 15:12 point

SVP ! un nom d'un site web pour ouvrir des articles sans les acheter 

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HamoniH wrote 04/25/2023 at 22:12 point

is it possible to give this more distance ?

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alihamzagilitoo wrote 04/24/2023 at 23:03 point

Need help 😭 😭 

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Richard Hogben wrote 04/25/2023 at 02:25 point

With what?

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bill.meara wrote 04/23/2023 at 19:41 point

We too have been unable to upload material to our project.  Perhaps you should extend the deadline on this contest so that entrants will be able to upload material.  Reengineering Education,  High Schoolers Build a Radio Receiver.  Thanks, 

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ZEID MAHMOUD wrote 04/23/2023 at 08:32 point

I just join here and I'm looking for deference project's and having chat with people who like what I like

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John Rampelt wrote 04/20/2023 at 22:13 point

I'm having problems updating my project. After editing and pressing 'Publish' I get a 'Page not found' error with the message: "The requested URL was not found on this server. That's all we know." There is a 'Back' button, which takes me back to my project page when clicked, but then the Publish button no longer responds. Any tips on how to get my project update to work?

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Richard Hogben wrote 04/21/2023 at 17:42 point

Which of your projects are having this issue, or are both of them?

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John Rampelt wrote 04/21/2023 at 17:44 point

I've been having the problem on the CHRP4 project. I haven't run into the problem on the UBMP4 project, but I haven't done much updating on it lately.

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Richard Hogben wrote 04/21/2023 at 17:54 point

I'll check around and see if I can find anything about CHRP4 that could be giving you an issue.

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balogovanatalia34 wrote 04/11/2023 at 09:13 point

is this ganme or actual hacker sitesd

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