
Death of a tire

A project log for Ultimate running aid

Eliminate everything from running but the running part.

lion-mclionheadlion mclionhead 04/01/2018 at 08:530 Comments

Went 10.65 miles on the flat ground & hauled 1lb of food back.  It burned 4Ah or 375mAh/mile.  Didn't expect it to be that efficient.  The payload was spread more evenly, instead of being concentrated in the rear.  Concentrating it on the rear wheels decreases their diameter & slows down the odometer.

Burned 4219mAh or 387mAh/mile 10.9 miles later, hauling 1lb of food the final 3 miles, the lion kingdom was wishing there was a way to pack a bathroom on it.  Unfortunately, lions couldn't digest the oats from that cereal at all, while they can manely digest other oat permutations.

Did another 7 miles at 350mAh/mile, then 14.5 miles with dual batteries.  The dual battery run burned 432mAh/mile & had 2 miles at 10mph.

After the 14.5 miles, all the tires were more worn than desired, but the right front tire was completely shredded.

Tough break, indeed.  The left front tire was also toed in, but wore less.  The right rear tire also wore more than the left rear tire.  The only asymmetries are the motor, the speaker, & the road camber.  Toeing in seems required for the most efficiency.
