
Driving straight again

A project log for Ultimate running aid

Eliminate everything from running but the running part.

lion-mclionheadlion mclionhead 02/09/2018 at 03:560 Comments

With the D feedback debugged, it drove straight again for the 1st time since the CG was lowered.  It also managed mostly straight driving with the mast & shirt, at 10mph, a particular challenge but critical for videos.  Note how the D feedback lags the P feedback.  It immediately counteracts the P feedback, once the servo starts taking effectiveness.

Feedback limits were worthless, as usual.  The Odroid managed to not crash, today.  Cleaned the battery contacts.  Unfortunately, the battery died after only 7 miles.  It faked straight driving by oscillating faster than before & spent most of the drive pushing the front wheels sideways.  It's very expensive testing, since the tires are $40 per set.

Lots of junk heaps on Calif* roads.
