So I now have an ESP8266 controlling the SX1276 module, successfully sending or receiving a beacon. This is working much more reliably as a receiver (as does the carambola2) compared to the bus pirate
This weekend is GovHack Unleashed, so not much happening for a few days.
Next step is solder the pin header onto the TeensyLC and test that I didn't accidentally put any ESP8266 specific assumptions in the code.
Then it will be on to implementing the end node MQTT-SN sensor transmissions, and hopefully soon, building up a board when the OshPark adaptor board arrives.
The picture from left to right shows the SX1276 inAir9, a CP2102 using RTS &c for programming control and ESP201 module The carambola2 with the other SX1276 is about a meter away. Only 9999 meters left to go!
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plz tell mi we can use esp8266 as a getway for RN2483 LoRa module..?
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