
Turbidity Sensor

Solar-powered offshore water quality monitor, connected to the internet.

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An internet connected turbidity meter to measure levels of organic material in bodies of water. Designed to be inexpensive and reliable. The device will measure turbidity at different depths using a string of sensors between the buoy and seabed anchor.

Water quality readings will be relayed to an internet service for viewing in a browser or on a mobile device. Potential applications include scuba dive planning, environmental studies and safety monitoring for fishing and recreation.

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synoxia123 wrote 06/05/2023 at 12:17 point

That's an impressive improvement! So if I understand correctly, the UV light remains continuously active to prevent any growth? I noticed you mentioned the considerable cost of UV lamps. as you can see here

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yichigo-kur wrote 08/23/2021 at 11:20 point

I think it will go down but you have a nice idea I will suggest you to carry on working on it and make it a successful project just like I am working on office removals website project you can see here.

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Nineteen82 wrote 03/06/2020 at 03:25 point

Cool, btw, if the enviornment is tough, e.g. in a sewage well,can the solution be maintained for a long term, e.g. 2 or 3 years?

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zakqwy wrote 03/16/2015 at 19:05 point

Cool project. You bring up biofouling in your github documentation; since turbidity measurement relies on transmission and absorption of light, it seems like this will introduce drift into your measurement. Do you plan on some sort of automatic calibration system? How will you control biofilm growth? Will the UV lights you mention in the brainstorming document get rid of drift?

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Jeremy Ruhland wrote 03/17/2015 at 02:49 point

Yeah, biofouling is the major issue with the system, without effective management the sensor lifetime will only be measured in days. Calibration is possible with sensors spaced at different distances (assuming every sensor gets equal growth) but the real key will be preventing growth with UV sterilization.

Here's an example from a commercial UV protected product after 2 months of exposure:

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zakqwy wrote 03/17/2015 at 12:04 point

Wow, that's a crazy improvement! So the UV light pretty much stays on to inhibit any growth? You mentioned the high price of UV lamps; could you get away with relatively cheap LEDs?

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Jeremy Ruhland wrote 03/17/2015 at 21:27 point

That's the hope, but it all comes down to frequency. UVC LEDs like the ones used in that product are relatively new (I don't think its been on the market for a year yet) so we'll have to do testing to see how effective UVA & UVB LEDs will be.

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