
3D printed light switch cover

custamizable and durable 3d printed light switch cover!

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Kids are ruthless! They can do inexplicable things. One of the most common is breaking things. (on accident of course) When it comes to light switches, they are everywhere and are prone to being broken. When designing this light switch, i wanted to make something quick to print but still looks good. This print only takes about two hours and is very sleek and smooth. This light can be printed customizable by different colored plastics, and adding words or personal labels. These are also great to give to people who need a little color in their life!
The pale yellow light switch is the original, the grey-black is the 1st iteration, the blue is the 2nd iteration, and the jet black is the 3rd and final iteration. The holes on the first one that i printed were too far away from each other and the holes on the second one that i printed were too close to each other. The final print, the measurements were correct and the holes lined up appropriately.

light switch.SLDPRT

Customizable in solid works

sldprt - 96.88 kB - 02/12/2018 at 20:29


light switch (1).PDF


Adobe Portable Document Format - 33.56 kB - 02/12/2018 at 20:29


light switch.STL

Ready to print

Standard Tesselated Geometry - 30.16 kB - 02/08/2018 at 19:42


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