
Weather Controlled SmartWindow

The SmartWindow automatically determines when a window should be opened or closed, based on the indoor/outdoor temperature and weather.

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Many homes do not have air conditioning, particularly in mild-weather cities such as Seattle and San Francisco, and opening a window or turning on a fan is the best (only) way to cool down the indoors. But temperatures do not stay the same and it can be quite common to wake up in the morning (or come home from being elsewhere) to find your home at an obscene temperature, or my windowsills wet from rain. If you're opening windows, you need to pay attention to the weather and close the window by hand if too hot or cold, or if it starts raining.

The SmartWindow automatically determines when a window should be opened or closed, based on the measured user set target and actual indoor/outdoor temperatures, and keeps your home at an optimal temperature and dry.

The desired temperature is currently set via an analog knob, but my plans are to integrate with the Nest smart thermostat.

The current implementation uses an Arduino Uno as its primary controller, a One-Wire based temp sensors to measure temperature, 3d-printed connector on a lead screw with a stepper motor to open/close the window.

The first three photos detail the following:

1. Picture of lead screw with 3d-printed attachment for my test window at home. First motor I used did not have enough torque to drive the window, so I'm moving to a more powerful stepper motor.

2. Picture showing LCD debug panel, showing thermometer output (I - Indoor, O - Outdoor, T - Target) along with the logic output for what it feels the window state should be.

3. A more complete view of the Arduino Uno and test breadboard.

  • 1 × Arduino Uno Official Version
  • 2 × Waterproof One-Wire Temperature Sensors (DS18B20) I initially used the analog temperature sensor that was part of the starter kit, but I found it too variable, and inconsistent.
  • 1 × Lead Screw w/Nuts I'm using a 3/8" screw, though may test some variations.
  • 1 × Stepper-Motor Any stepper motor with sufficient torque should work.
  • 1 × 16x2 LCD Screen for debugging (optional) Used the model found in:

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Warner wrote 07/23/2017 at 11:38 point

Is this project still alive? Now juli 2017  and seen nothing happening for a long time.

Really interested in more info.

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Mehmet-cileli wrote 08/17/2015 at 17:17 point

well done . Good idea. 

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Xander Skyrien wrote 05/03/2015 at 07:40 point

@will, As of now, it works as a proof of concept (by manually moving the window), but there were some issues keeping the mounts attached as actuation occurred. I've put the project on hold while I'm out of state, but will resume mid-May when I return.

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WillB wrote 05/03/2015 at 07:27 point

Does it actually work, or is it so far mostly logic and an arduino and LCD screen? Interested in the actuation and mounting hardware.

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jason.gullickson wrote 03/19/2015 at 14:52 point

I need a heavy-duty version of this (my old-fashioned windows require a lot of force to open & close :)

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controlmypad wrote 03/17/2015 at 00:23 point

I am interested to see more detail on how it is all mounted.  I have been looking into something similar using linear actuators.  Cool project! 

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