
DIY Raspberry Pi MP3-player

A simple project to sharpen my python on and get a grip of all the headaches that come up when developing wearable electronics.

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Since publication of the platform, the Raspberry Pi has been popular among students and hackers alike. It's small, cheap, versatile and open-source. The platform is not very powerful, but it never intended to be. Quite a few people have been eyeing the 'Pi for a possible candidate for wearable technology. Afterall, its powersource is a simple 5V micro-USB interface and can easily be powered for hours by a simple powerpack.

So I figured: I need a project to get to grips with Python. I have 2 Raspberry Pi's and a soldering iron. I'm going to build a 'headless setup that plays mp3's over a headset.' What could go wrong? This project page describes all features and 'stuff that went wrong'. Although at this point I have a decent piece of software, stuff still needs to be done and I'll update accordingly.

Keyboard: Since I'm going to use this setup 'wearable', headless and thus without conventional interface I needed some way to control what was playing and at what level. To this end, I've soldered together a small circuitboad with 6 switches. The switches are wired to a common +3.3V and connected to GPIO pins on the Raspberry Pi. The resistors you see in the picture are pull-down resistors that make for a smooth transition between 0 and 1. To process the states for the given GPIO pins, I use the RPIO library (See also the links) This library allows the developer to utilise a callback mechanism, triggering functions that in turn execute commands. Maybe more on that when I put the code on GIT...

  • Got feedback on git!

    Daemon informatica03/27/2014 at 10:44 0 comments

    Wow! unexpected: People actually think my code is impressive enough to comment on! ^_^ Somebody that send feedback about the fact that the library is pretty well written but the default volume (60%) is too low for their taste. While I can't judge their setup from here, he raised an interesting point: The current default volume is hardcoded in the library. So today I took a moment to fix that: Moved the default volume to the settings file.

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Discussions wrote 02/17/2017 at 04:40 point

Hey! I think your project is exactly what I'm looking for as my first big project.  I'd like to put a RPi inside an old radio I refinished.  I have an external USB HD with tons of old timey tunes.  If I understand correctly, looking at your,  you set up your switches/GPIOs  and  pass they're state to a dependancy(?)  that plays the audio? Does the USB HD need to be "mounted"? thanks

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