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Peltier element
Thermoelectric device, also known as a heat-pump. DC current causes one side to get hot while the other gets cold. Capable of up to 70C temperature differential. Supposedly operates at about 10% efficiency.
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Probably an arduino with sensors (cheap and easily available): Temperature (ambient, hot-side, cold-side), Humidity (ambient). For power management and scheduling activity during optimum periods
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Condensation manifold
"bent bit of plastic and aluminium" - This is the tricky bit. There will need to be suitable air through-put to yield adequate moisture, ideally the cool-dry output air will be ducted over the hot-side heat-sink to improve efficiency.
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Solar PV power-supply
Power-supply to make the device truly portable and off-grid. It would be easier to have this run from the grid, but making it solar will result in it being suitable for austere/impoverished environments, top of sky-scrapers, pot-plants in strange places...
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Feature creep
LED pathway lights, vibration generator to scare off snakes, ultrasound to scare off rodents... yeah,... feature creep...