
Store the automobile exhaust gases

This is an idea to store the automobile exhaust gases instead of letting it out into the atmosphere

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This is an idea to store the exhaust gases of automobiles on board instead of letting it out into the atmosphere freely which would otherwise cause pollution and global warming. When the tank is full, it is vented into a toxic gas treatment facility where it needs to be processed and disposed off safely.

The exhaust gases will be filled into a tank using a compressor. The compressor is run either by the engine power or from an electric motor deriving power from the automobile's electric system. The tank needs to be cooled and filled with a material such as activated carbon so that the gases can adsorb into its microscopic crevices taking less space and pressure.

This also enables use of non environment friendly fuels which otherwise are cheap or burn very efficiently but produce obnoxious gases. Also, the catalytic converter is no longer required.

This is a short-term solution before all the cars/automobiles are converted to electric or the world crude oil reserves run ou

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Rich text editor wrote 11/16/2015 at 11:31 point
haaaha I I am waiting for your mails that will give reply to my comment

  Are you sure? yes | no wrote 11/16/2015 at 11:24 point
well you mail me at @vikas

  Are you sure? yes | no wrote 11/16/2015 at 09:17 point
oooo...... I read it. It was cool. But let me tell you something more about me! I am over-inspired to write up my project works. It was previous year when I documented a space settlement design and submitted it to NASA AMES SPACE SETTLEMENT CONTEST. It was a 115 paged 20000 words pdf document. Yeah I qualified with an honourable mention. So I have a way with writing and I can write a lot. And yes. I have documented a ms word file of my exhaust system project. It talks about the basic comcept. Not about the engineering details. But listen, I am afraid to publish my works on the net. I do fear that some people may steal my concep or they may work on my concept, create something new and take the entire credit. So is it good to publish my works??? Second thing is about colleges. I am currently in class 12. I just like to work more on my projects than to study those IIT books. I am good as a student but cannot crack those JEE exams. So what do you think, is it possible to do something great in life, like getting a patent for any of my design, or getting a research job in US even if I dont study in one of those top IITs or NITs??? I also want to know about you a bit. Like what college are you from, what great achievements you have and what will you do??? I am eagerly waiting for your reply.

  Are you sure? yes | no wrote 11/16/2015 at 09:11 point
oooo...... I read it. It was cool. But let me tell you something more about me! I am over-inspired to write up my project works. It was previous year when I documented a space settlement design and submitted it to NASA AMES SPACE SETTLEMENT CONTEST. It was a 115 paged 20000 words pdf document. Yeah I qualified with an honourable mention. So I have a way with writing and I can write a lot. And yes. I have documented a ms word file of my exhaust system project. It talks about the basic comcept. Not about the engineering details. But listen, I am afraid to publish my works on the net. I do fear that some people may steal my concep or they may work on my concept, create something new and take the entire credit. So is it good to publish my works??? Second thing is about colleges. I am currently in class 12. I just like to work more on my projects than to study those IIT books. I am good as a student but cannot crack those JEE exams. So what do you think, is it possible to do something great in life, like getting a patent for any of my design, or getting a research job in US even if I dont study in one of those top IITs or NITs??? I also want to know about you a bit. Like what college are you from, what great achievements you have and what will you do??? I am eagerly waiting for your reply.

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Vikas V wrote 11/16/2015 at 10:46 point

I have left you a private message. Please check it.

  Are you sure? yes | no wrote 11/16/2015 at 03:12 point
hello Vikash. the thing is your project schocked me because for the last few months I was working on this very idea. Today when I saw that my idea is already published by you ages ago I was shocked. the thing is I with my team I am now planning to make a prototype of my design. I just want to know from you how far have you proceeded. are you still working on this project? did you make any prototype? what was the biggest faults in the design?

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Vikas V wrote 11/16/2015 at 07:00 point

Really cool that you got the money and expert help to get it done. Not many people get that opportunity. All the best for the project.

One piece of advice: Make sure it works on paper before starting on a prototype. Use some estimates to work out all the details of the design. The devil is in the details! That is the whole point of engineering. Its one thing to have an idea but a whole different thing to make it work. I have experienced it first hand. Many people have brilliant ideas but only some of them actually get implemented. So many huge scientific projects run into problems because of engineering challenges (for example, fusion reactors).

Have you documented your progress anywhere? If not, you should because it is very beneficial to you and others. Its really easy to start a blog now and document everything. Take a look at this article:

  Are you sure? yes | no wrote 11/16/2015 at 03:11 point
hello Vikash. the thing is your project schocked me because for the last few months I was working on this very idea. Today when I saw that my idea is already published by you ages ago I was shocked. the thing is I with my team I am now planning to make a prototype of my design. I just want to know from you how far have you proceeded. are you still working on this project? did you make any prototype? what was the biggest faults in the design?

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Vikas V wrote 11/16/2015 at 05:06 point

Hi Bis. I guess we both came up with the idea independently at different points in time. It happens. Anyway, I did not go ahead with the project after realizing that it has many practical constraints which either limit its efficiency or would be prohibitively expensive. So, I did not build any prototypes. 

First thing is the compressor which would need a lot of energy to fit the gases within a reasonably sized tank/container. The second is the size of the container which cannot be too big. Thirdly, the disposal of those collected gases. How were you able to solve these problems?

  Are you sure? yes | no wrote 11/16/2015 at 06:28 point

I am planning to use sucction pumps or fans to suck in the exhaust and make it directly get adsorbed over a bed of activated charcoal.

Actually we have to put up a workshop in December at a science museum. Our entire workshop is funded by US museum grant. So, we h ave got lots of experts to help us, both from India and from US.

I ( a student of grade XII) along with my team am planning to make a prototype of this (after considerable changes) and put it up in the workshop......

 I am working on this project for another project called "HAcking SPace Project".

check our website for more details.

  Are you sure? yes | no wrote 11/16/2015 at 03:11 point
hello Vikash. the thing is your project schocked me because for the last few months I was working on this very idea. Today when I saw that my idea is already published by you ages ago I was shocked. the thing is I with my team I am now planning to make a prototype of my design. I just want to know from you how far have you proceeded. are you still working on this project? did you make any prototype? what was the biggest faults in the design?

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DainBramage wrote 06/05/2015 at 22:32 point

Also remember that you are not just dealing with the volume of the gases created in combustion, you are also dealing with the volume of air inhaled by the engine to burn the fuel with in the first place. 

Another thing to remember is that exhaust systems are carefully designed and crafted to increase engine efficiency, sometimes by significant amounts. Will this system harm the efficiency of the engine it is being used on?

I'd love to see a prototype of this in use on an actual internal-combustion engine.

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DainBramage wrote 06/05/2015 at 22:33 point

Oh, and judging from your sketch, you'd need a compressor roughly the same size as the engine it is being used on... Think about that for a moment.

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Duane Degn wrote 03/27/2015 at 05:16 point

I encourage you to do some rough calculation on the volume of gas you'll need to compress. How many liters of exhaust are produced by a liter of fuel? How much pressure will the compressed exhaust be under? How much energy is required to compress this volume of gas to this pressure?

Any energy used to compress the gas will require more fuel to be consumed. I fear you'll end up using more energy in compressing the exhaust than will be used to power the vehicle.

The total energy used by a vehicle which compresses its exhaust gas will be much more than a conventional vehicle. This increase in energy use will likely cause more environmental problems than compressing the gas solves.

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adanh12 wrote 03/27/2015 at 02:56 point

great idea heres a little background info. A cars exhaust is 98% carbon dioxide after the cat. Which I think would be great to store. After all CO2 is used as a welding gas and in fountain drinks. The gases going in are HC(gas) and O2. After complete combustion HC and O2 will turn in to CO2 and H2O(mostly). partially burnt fuel will turn into CO carbon monoxide so a catalytic converter is a must to keep CO levels low. Also an engine is a pump. Think air compressor. A 1 piston compressor can fill a 50 gallon tank in 20minutes. Multiple cylinders plus expanding gases = really large storage tank or some sort of pressure  relief

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