This project aims to deliver access to robotics with high-quality software through a low cost platform that people can build at home. The platform is expandable with many of the free, open sources ROS packages available and through adding your own sensors, hardware and software to the bot.
Raspberry Pi with Raspbian Jessie
ROS Indigo
205mm L x 166mm W x 80mm H
Independent Motor Control of each wheel
WS2812b Status LED
Raspberry Pi camera
Lithium Battery: Turnigy Nanotech 3S 2200mAh,
2 hour or greater run time
USB ports, Wifi
Logitech F710 Game pad expandable
Coming soon.
Most details can be found in the build documentation in the razbot github repo.
Im planing on making this. Could you edit the disign so i can use a raspberry pi 3?
The source is in solidworks and i have no idea on how to use solidworks. Is it possible for you to edit?
Its proboby a easy job. Its just one extra hole for extra usbs and a smaller hole on the other side for sd card. Also the mount holes are diffrent.