
Pollution Detecting System

cuboid. One side micro oven cloth.other side suction pump. The pressure change in box is measured.

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There is a cuboid. One side has a micro oven cloth. The other side has a suction pump. The level of pollution id proportion to the dust deposited on the cloth. This changes the pressure inside the cuboid box. The pressure change is measured using a digital pressure sensor. This pressure is proportion to the dust. Hence this is an efficient system to measure pollution.
  • 1 × Arduino Uno
  • 1 × BMP180
  • 1 × suction Pump
  • 1 × Micro oven cloth
  • 1 × cube

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ajeethmurali wrote 03/18/2016 at 16:26 point

an interesting way to stay healthy and detect pollution at such a low cost. GOOD WORK!!!

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krupaneshk wrote 03/18/2016 at 16:23 point

This is a very interesting idea. Hats off...... Karthik...........

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ashishstps2007 wrote 03/17/2016 at 20:42 point

So you can measure Dust particles . Have to ever tried mixing it with precipitation? Pratically dust particles do contribute to pollution but a mixture of FOG+SMOKE = SMOG is what hurts a city most.

I do like the idea of getting a delta in pressure to detect amount of dust (pollutant) in your environment . Would love to see some data when you are done.

Keep up the good work.

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KARTHIK RAVI wrote 03/19/2016 at 15:58 point

sure ashiq, I will try uploading my results when it is done... For precipitation it would deal with moisture measurements and i dont think that dust and precipitation can both be measured together.. if there are some possibilities i ll check the results... thank you ashiq...

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KARTHIK RAVI wrote 10/07/2015 at 15:04 point

This is a new model developed. Accurate  results  cannot be expected. Still we can predict our desired outcomes in a apparel manufacturing industries... 

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Jimmy Locke wrote 10/06/2015 at 05:59 point

Hi there I'm wondering if you ever got this to work and if so did you get any accurate / quantifiable results?  Thanks

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