
first "sequence"

A project log for zynthia - sequencer synthesizer

using a 40106, 4051 and a 4029 to make some noise, following the Logic Noise series on the blog

davedarkodavedarko 04/16/2015 at 23:062 Comments

I still have to play around a bit with resistor and capacitor values, but here are her first words..

I was wondering why my sequences are so fast on my 4029 and just saw that Elliot is using Q5-Q7 of the 4040. I had to switch the potentiometer with a 1M Ohm resistor to get near an interesting sequence speed. I guess I'll have to change the capacitor value - making it bigger - to work with the 100k Ohm again. The pitch is getting off at 80% of the potentiometer.

Once the switches are here I will make a proper video from the top, filming the BCD/binary and UP and Down effects. There is a bug right now, I can't switch binary to down, not sure why.


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Eric Hertz wrote 04/17/2015 at 09:04 point


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davedarko wrote 04/17/2015 at 09:37 point

thanks :)

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