
hardware vs. frequency

A project log for zynthia - sequencer synthesizer

using a 40106, 4051 and a 4029 to make some noise, following the Logic Noise series on the blog

davedarkodavedarko 04/23/2015 at 13:572 Comments

I've made a table to see the frequency range of the potentiometers vs. capacitors in 10 steps and categorized them to see what values make sense for what spectrum/range.


Elliot Williams wrote 04/25/2015 at 19:20 point

Totally cool chart!  And a really good idea to get your head around things.

Note that it can all be off by a factor of two or so.  The exact voltage levels of the switching thresholds vary from manufacturer to manufacturer a bit, and even some from chip-batch to chip-batch.  

And then it depends a bit on your VCC.  The osc on my desk right now runs higher pitch at 12V than at 5v.  And then, maybe, there's room temperature.  But now I'm quibbling.

So if you're aiming for 123.456Hz, you're going to have to tweak a bit.

But to get you quickly in the right ballpark, your chart is awesome!  Thanks.

(Oh yeah, I really like "Bass, Voice, Beeps, Audible" as a classification scheme.)

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davedarko wrote 04/25/2015 at 19:54 point

Yay, the master himself ;) Thanks! My variable resistors do vary a lot from 100kOhms anyway, so I wasn't aiming for high precision, but after switching capacitors for a while I felt like poking things with a stick. Thank you for the awesome tutorials, I'm "discovering" logic chips for me and quite like them! 

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