
Data-Theft-Detecting Router & Server

Compares your internet communications to a stream of private local data to discover what data is being stolen and where it's being sent.

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This project aims to build a well documented, low budget, open source router & server using free software & hardware that:

- checks for overlap between internet coms that pass through & local streams of private data

- effectively simulates or uses common router/server hardware/software to present an ideal target for NSA & other black hats

- is secure enough to withstand attack for the duration of each test & is set up to do a simple firmware/software reflash to remove any potential malware

- achieves comparison by using:

I) unencrypted coms. http, ftp, etc. (addition of fake https or pgp headers optional)

II) encrypted coms, but you save copies of the keys needed for the router/server to:

a) decrypt a copy of your outgoing encrypted coms to compare plaintexts, or,

b) encrypt the local data stream data to compare ciphertexts.

- sounds an alarm when data is stolen

- organizes thefts in visual form

The goal of this project is to provide a useful resource for anyone who wants to protect against hackers, rogue government spy agencies, industrial competitors, etc who want to steal your private data that should be yours, and yours alone.

The Router That Listens

The basis of the 1st generation prototype will be a Raspberry PI 2 Model B ("RPi").

Due to budget considerations, I will start working on the router before the server.

Details of how to honeypot black hats to reveal private data theft:

  • use keywords, system signatures, encryption, etc to trick NSA et al and other sloppy blackhats into revealing the techniques/capabilities they use to steal data over networks from various types of targets (such as political dissidents, opposition political parties, privacy/security-conscious private citizens, financial organizations, data centers, industrial facilities, rival companies, governments, military bases and targets, air gapped computers, etc)
  • obvious limitations: this clearly does not deal with detecting MITM attacks. This is only relevant to detecting theft of purely local data.

Thanks for reading about this project; please leave any comments or questions below!

If you have ideas or code to contribute, or if you would like to collaborate on this, please leave a comment below or message me.

  • 1 × Raspberry Pi 2 Model B ("RPi") the $35 ARM7 motherboard that requires at least $100 of peripherals
  • 1 × 5V 1A miniUSB wall wart power supply for the RPi
  • 1 × non-networked TV or monitor + RCA or HDMI cable display for the RPi
  • 1 × wifi USB stick (usage may vary) you may or may not need this
  • 3 × ethernet cable (# may vary). use cat 5E, or for proper comsec: shielded cat 6, 6A, or 7 one goes from the RPi to the network; two go from your device to the RPi; ethernet preferred over wifi since WPA2 can be cracked. If you are testing a device that only has wifi and no ports that can be adapted to ethernet, then go for 1 ethernet cable and a WPA2 wifi USB stick, both for the RPI.

View all 11 components

  • Anyone want to help me work on this?

    Dylan Bleier05/03/2015 at 06:23 0 comments

    I'd be happy to collaborate on this project. I only know some Java, Mathematica, and Unix/GNU/Linux command line so I'll definitely need help with code.

    While I might understand how to write, compile, and run a simple program totally within software like BlueJ or Mathematica, or run a few crypto commands from the command line, I don't know how to create an actual application that takes data from other running applications, sends and receives data through USB and ethernet, and implements the necessary crypto.

    Well, I will have all the necessary hardware together soon, and then I can start figuring out how to program it. As for a timeline, I hope to get this thing at least semi-operational by the end of the summer, or if not, in the fall. Then improvements will continue to be made.

  • got most of the parts for the router

    Dylan Bleier04/16/2015 at 21:31 0 comments

    gonna order a few more soon, then I'll put it together and start programming it

View all 2 project logs

  • 1
    Step 1

    buy parts

  • 2
    Step 2

    put everything together, take a picture, take it all apart again.

  • 3
    Step 3

    write, debug, and compile code

View all 9 instructions

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