Microreader 2.0
05/21/2016 at 17:05 • 1 commentTime flies. The last update of this project is from 2014 - while the original microreader is functional, I decided to take another try and implement some ideas gathered from community here and under blog entry here. I like the openspritz idea, see also here. To help with key-less text scrolling, or with openspritz speed adjust, I added accelerometer on board.
The original 1206 inductor in OLED DC/DC converter was changed for inductor with lower height and lower resistance, so it will not protrude that much from board (lower total height) and the power efficiency should go up.
I made minor modifications to original board, to fix bugs from 1.0 version. The pinheader (2.0mm pitch) is just temporary for firmware debugging.
Accelerometer is tested and running, I'll try to port old source files to it.
Microreader is dead, long live Microreader 2
07/03/2014 at 07:05 • 0 commentsD'oh... my original Microreader is... lost.
I can't physically find it in my home workshop. Don't know whether somebody borrowed it or what, but I simply can't find it anymore. Maybe it is somehow related to exceptionally high level of entropy in my workshop (read as "mess") and the fact that microreader is really tiny. If it would be half a meter long, it would be easier to find. Not that I need it very much, but I wanted to attach accelerometer to it and try porting openspritz to it.
evermind. I designed new PCB with accelerometer included on it.
Don't get fooled by picture size - it is actually 42x14,8mm. It is two milimeters wider and one milimeter shorter than original Microreader and should be "embeddable" into 3D printed enclosure, unlinke first microreader, intended as designer's joke with bare PCB. I rectified some design flaws of first version too.
I expect PCB to arrive at the end of next week, key components are already here.
Github for Microreader created
06/25/2014 at 14:48 • 0 commentsAs a lot of people requested source code for this, I created github repository - https://github.com/jaromir-sukuba/Microreader
New version on the way
06/12/2014 at 11:37 • 0 commentsSeems like a lot of people are following this project, so I decided to make Microreader mark 2. I won't change its functionality very much, to keep spirit of small and simple device, but will definitely design new PCB and 3D printable case. Barebones PCB is not very useful for real use.
So, stay tuned.