

There are lots of people on earth and not a lot of health care workers nor doctors. What can be done to remedy this problem?

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1/31/2016 - No further progress. All worked is paused indefinitely ...

(Like doctors without borders)

Let's take an idea from Star Trek and local hospitals today. US hospitals have been using Skype to do off-shore outsourcing of medical diagnosticians. Local US doctors use Indian doctors in Bangalore India by “picking their brains” via Skype. The Indian outsourcer gets to meet the patient and ask questions, The local doctor or nurse or P.A. can physically administer whatever medical recommendations he/she makes.

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// UPDATE 29-JUL-2015:

// Added A.V.V.A. (ALZHEIMER VICTIM VIDEO ASSISTANT) at #28 below - just scroll down to it.

// #29 - V.I.S.O.R. - (Visual Instrument and Sensory Organ Replacement)

// #30 - BioBed - Star Trek Medical Sick Bay diagnostic bed.

Let's take an idea from Star Trek & local hospitals today.

US hospitals have been using Skype to do off-shore outsourcing of medical diagnosticians. Local US doctors use Indian doctors in Bangalore India by "picking their brains" via Skype. The Indian outsourcer gets to meet the patient and ask questions, The local doctor or nurse or P.A. can physically administer whatever medical recommendations he/she makes.

This idea can be evolved one step further for remote areas of the world with little or no doctors. Nurses, or very well medical trained civilians, could be supplied with fully vetted emergency and sundry medical supplies and a satellite data terminal(s) with laptop with Skype on it. Some areas already have Internet access (i.e. internet cafes, public libraries, etc.). A triage tent could be set up at these locations and patients could sit (or lay) in front of the Skype terminal(s). The local nurse or med technician could follow whatever instructions given by the remote doctor. Obviously major medical procedures would involve MEDEVAC to closest hospital.

Where does Star Trek and HaD come in? Remember the Star Trek TRICORDER that the ship's surgeon uses? HaD could design and build one for this project. It is basically a multiple human body sensor monitor that attaches to Skype via video or automated file transfer. Two separate Skype terminals should be used. One for Tricorder functions and one for face-to-face consultation for patient and local medical technician. The Tricorder terminal needs to have a tech make labels in ENGLISH labeling what the remote doctor is looking at (i.e. Blood Pressure, Heart Rate, EEG, etc.)

Here is a list of human body functions that can be easily monitored with existing (or surplus) cheap toy electronics – and other stuff too:

1) EEG – Remember the Mind Control toys with the 2.4 Ghz head piece? They monitor brain waves.This will need some R&D to figure out how to display Alpha, Theta, and Delta waves.Audio doesn't seem detailed enough. Some sort of oscilloscope or graphing function is needed here.

2) EKG – a simple skin resistance sensor and DC amplifier which could send pulse rate to Skype.Cannibalize a wrist watch heart rate monitor. Aim Skype webcam at wrist watch attached to patient's arm. Clean skin with alcohol wipe and wipe on some sort of conductive cream or liquid to enhance sensor sensitivity. Leaving this attached to patient during examination is indicated. That way you can monitor EKG constantly. #5 can be used to check calibration.

3) Respiration sensor – a sort of stretch sensor (i.e. strain gauge) that wraps around patient's chest and changes resistance base on patients breathing rate. Cannibalize a wrist watch heart rate monitor with remote chest respiratory sensor.

4) Toy camera microscope ([i.e. Jakks EyeClops Bionic Eye) that could be used for eye, ear, and throat examination device (i.e. otoscope). Video out goes to video capture module or just point Skype webcam at EyeClops TV monitor. EyeClops has it's own illumination LED. But you could build in a better one. Also the chassis is stupid looking (big eyeball). Maybe a new style cool looking case. This device could also be used to visually examine body fluid microscopically. They have amazing magnification powers. Finding a way to mounting it on a tripod wouldn't hurt either.

5) Blood Pressure monitor – use a cheap battery operated automated BP monitor and aim Skype webcam at LCD display. Make sure patient's arm is resting on a table and use fresh alkaline batteries. An AC power supply would be better than batteries. They kind that has a remote display AWAY from the cuff would be indicated here for this project. That way you could Velcro the display in front of...

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  • 1 × Skype Skype - self explainatory
  • 2 × Blood Pressure monitor
  • 3 × Othoscope Jakks EyeClops Bionic Eye
  • 4 × Remote thermometer
  • 5 × EEG Connectors and Accessories / Circular Connectors

View all 17 components

  • Movie Screen Problem

    chris jones08/05/2015 at 17:48 0 comments

    Found that the projector screens need too much darkened room to work. Abandoned projector screen for Skype display for a large screen monitor connected to a small laptop in front of the BioBed. I moved the medical-diagnostics projection screen behind the BioBed and darkened room there. I use a utility lamp on the medical utility cart to allow the PA (physician's assistant) to see the patient in a dimly lit room. Reduced webcams to one for the Skype connection to see patient in BioBed and the med-diag screen behind the patient just like in Star Trek. The patient doesn't really need to see his own vitals anyway. Only needs to see and interact with the remote doctor and the local PA. Need to add remote PC speakers and microphone (Skype) for patient later.


  • Othoscope

    chris jones08/05/2015 at 17:39 0 comments

    Found that the Jakks Eyeclops don't make good othoscopes. They tend to be very good remote microscopes for looking at patients skin close up. Can't view inside someone's ear, mouth, nose. or eye as the orifice is too deep for the gadget. Has to be right up to the surface. Also the light is blinding to the eye but you could look at someone's cornea with it. I'm going to stick with the Harbor Frieght Inspection Camera snake camera. It will insert further into the patient's orifice for viewing.



  • Project Video Update (01:34 mins)

    chris jones08/04/2015 at 22:06 0 comments

    Here's my required video project update. It is less than 2 minutes long. It shows what components I now have and need to assemble into a complete project. I need to find a guinea-pig (I mean test subject) to put in my BioBed to experiment on them. Bwah-hah-ha (evil scientist laughter) :-D

  • Most of the items are here...

    chris jones08/04/2015 at 19:37 0 comments

    I have the screens, projectors, Skype, laptop, electronic medical diagnostic equipment, biobed, ekg, eeg, overhead camera, web cams, and tripods. Just need to video a 2 minute youtube and post it here. Not going to send 3 prototypes as they are too big and expensive. I could send 3 mockups made like a diorama though. :-)

  • BioBed

    chris jones08/04/2015 at 18:46 0 comments

    1-August 2015See #30 - BioBed - Star Trek Medical Sick Bay diagnostic bed.

    Just like the Star Trek bio-bed in the ship's sick bay, you could use a Zero Gravity lounge chair (upscale chaise lounge (or Jazzy electric wheelchair) that adjusts easily like you were in zero gravity). The patient can be relaxed while you take medical diagnostic readings. I have two of these zero-gravity chairs and 1 Jazzy now.

  • V.I.S.O.R.

    chris jones08/04/2015 at 18:38 0 comments


    See #29 - V.I.S.O.R. - (Visual Instrument and Sensory Organ Replacement)

    This is a device like on Star Trek where Geordi La Forge uses a VISOR to replace his blind eyesight. However with this one it is a Virtual Reality googles like Occulus Rift that use a smartphone and a remote video camera that transmit onto internet so snartphone can view it. It can be used to remotely feed telescopes, microscopes, and video camera of your surroundings. You could replace your prescription eyeglasses as the display is right up to your eyes and all visual acuity is via a camera. I'm thinking of ordering a VR goggle on EBAY soon. I already have an IP Camera and a smartphone.

  • A.V.V.A.

    chris jones08/04/2015 at 18:33 0 comments

    29-JUL-2015: Added AVVA (ALZHEIMER VICTIM VIDEO ASSISTANT) at #28 in project details. This is for senile dementia patients.

  • R&D Work

    chris jones08/04/2015 at 18:31 0 comments

    April 2015 - Doing R&D on the work needed to get project done.

View all 8 project logs

  • 1
    Step 1

    Just dive in an do systems integration. There is no soldering-irons for this build. Only integrating existing technology.

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societieslink wrote 01/02/2024 at 17:07 point

Skype is standard acknowledged among clinical local area around the world. Could you at any point suggest something more omnipresent for the normal clinical specialist? good luck for the complete project if you want something to discuss you can contact with my web page

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chris jones wrote 08/04/2015 at 19:40 point

Skype is mainstream-accepted among medical community worldwide. Can you recommend something more ubiquitous for the common medical worker?

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davedarko wrote 04/18/2015 at 09:55 point

first act, drop skype ;) there are some people who wouldn't trust microsoft products in case of a medical emergency. But anything else sounds great! Good luck.

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