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Neon22 wrote 02/21/2018 at 20:03 point

You can also take a picture with your phone (as parallel as possible and as far away as possible). Drop it into Inkscape and use the "Realscale" extension to resize it to a precise dimension using any measureable feature. Then use the "export to openscad" extension, set the thickness and print.

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randallohman wrote 02/25/2018 at 19:38 point

Excellent. I teach 6th graders and I have them cut their 3D modeling teeth on OpenSCAD. They love to bring in images and use MS Paint to convert .jpg's to .png's necessary for the import.

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raheez2121 wrote 02/21/2018 at 19:29 point

How is work in this it MLM company

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