This is my version for smart juggling balls. The idea is to create an open source platform which can be used (besides juggling) as an educational platform to teach physics using an interactive and fun way. The platform contains a 6 dof or a 9 dof sensor (Mpu 6050 or Mpu 9150) , micro controller, transmitter (NRF24L01) and some LED`s
Currently I have a working version of the balls, which can be used for juggling:
The files I share include PCB Circuit manufacture files (Gerber) STL models for the casing, BOM with links, assembling instruction, and codes (currently Test code). all are available at:
It is possible to assemble the juggling balls using a prototype PCB such as: my first iterations were based on the same prototype board and later the PCB was design based on the physical dimensions of the board.
Future development:
As a first stage towards educational platform i am planning to improve the PCB design so it will be more user friendly and use it as a platform to teach soldering.
Later the kit can be used to teach coding and communication.
In parallel i am planing to start working on a lecture content for physics class.
hey, nice project! I am working on a different project that involves the mpu-6050 and the nrf24l01, but it seems hard to use the two together (I can get them to run separately). could I ask what libraries you use, and what command you use to pull the data from the mpu/ what command you use to send the data over the nrf24l01? in my world those two commands really don't seem to like each other...