
Sonic Screw Driver Door Lock

This is a door lock which can only be opened by a sonic screw driver. This uses a raspberrypi a microphone and a sonic screw driver

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This project uses a microphone and a raspberrypi running a python script to record sound samples fft them and compare the fft with a previously recorded sonic screwdriver. When the program finds a match it locks/unlocks the door using a transistor connected to a electronic door strike. Started this project about a year ago and never got around to finishing it. The sci-fi contest seems like a perfect excuse to finish the project.

The code collects sound samples FFTs the results and then compares them to recorded validated FFTs. If they successfully match the validated samples then the door lock is triggered unlocking the door.

  • 1 × Raspberry Pi The Raspberry Pi is a credit-card sized computer that plugs into your TV and a keyboard. It is a capable little computer which can be used in electronics projects, and for many of the things that your desktop PC does, like spreadsheets, word-processing and games. It also plays high-definition video. We want to see it being used by kids all over the world to learn programming.
  • 1 × NPN Darlington pair transitor to switch the electronic door strike
  • 1 × Electronic Door Strike This is an NC or locked without power door strike similar to the door locks on apartment buildings
  • 1 × USB Microphone mic to work w/ raspberrypi
  • 1 × Sonic Screwdriver It is a multifunctional tool used by The Doctor. Its most common function is that of a lockpick, but can be used to perform other operations such as performing medical scans, remotely controlling other devices, tracking alien life and, using red setting or dampers, it can control the properties of atoms and molecules on a small scale. It can, with the exception of a deadlock seal or wooden lock, open any type of lock and operate many computers, whether their origin is alien or human.

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loman.daniel wrote 04/29/2014 at 06:35 point
Thanks for the link Racorac. Will defintely look at that.

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support wrote 04/23/2014 at 14:36 point
This is just an awesome idea. No idea what could make it better. Unless it was facial recognition in combination with the sound. Two fold security. search raspberry-pi-face-recognition-treasure-box

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loman.daniel wrote 04/24/2014 at 16:29 point
Ya I was originally nervous about the fact that its totally insecure (To Time Lords) but then I realized anyone who is cool enough to try and sonic screwdriver my door should be allowed in anyway

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Minimum Effective Dose wrote 04/08/2014 at 19:02 point
Have you considered using the Raspberry Pi camera to grab stills and crudely detect the business end of the screwdriver's glow? "Processing" comes to mind to do this; then the Pi would detect not only the sound but also the presence of a green glow somewhere in its field of vision before unlocking.

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loman.daniel wrote 04/10/2014 at 15:31 point
Good call...Still haven't run the code on the Pi yet so I am uncertain how much CPU headroom i am going to have. But the sonic screwdriver I have has a green LED on the front so its likely a pretty distinct color signature to match on.

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Racorac wrote 04/26/2014 at 16:11 point
I have managed to get 4FPS pattern recognition using the picam and opencv. My starting point was here: but it gets quite complicated moving around in customising opencv and userland as some point but it does work. There is another way, by using this: to turn the picam into a UV4L device. Then you can use a normal opencv install on rpi to do the pattern recognition. Or you could maybe use: to detection motion and then send the image to opencv to process.

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Minimum Effective Dose wrote 04/26/2014 at 19:38 point
That's great news! I tried and failed myself with Processing and the Pi camera. I tried the same link to turn the picam into a UV4L device but couldn't get Processing to recognize it. My backup plan of using Processing's "open" command to do a system call to run the 'raspicam' command & generate a snapshot jpg to work from failed as well and I gave up on it. Maybe Processing on the Pi (though it appears to otherwise run fine) is just a dead end.

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