
Air Purifier Helmet

This project as the title suggests is used to purify air using basic techniques and tries to utilise renewable energy resources in doing so.

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This project deals with the problem of air pollution in large populated countries. I come from a country where most people use motorbikes/scooters as their daily commute. Hence the helmets. Most of them don't even have a air filter. Even if there are some conventional air filters helmets they just are not up to the mark. My project is an effort to make the process of air filtering efficient and easy, and also commercially viable. Also it helps to trap harmful gases, hence when these kind of helmets are used in large quantity by the people, it might solve a little part of the ongoing crisis against air pollution.
  • 1 × Helmet Any Bike helmet which fully covers the Head
  • 1 × Small DC Motor and Fan Low voltage rated motor suits best for this scenario
  • 1 × Air Filters (Activated Charcoal, HEPA) to name a few
  • 1 × Gas Sensor ( MG811, AQ-104, Grove AQ sensor)
  • 1 × ATmega MCU Any MCU can be used

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vvayvvard wrote 08/22/2017 at 05:44 point

For the filtration a dense activated carbon filter + hepa with assisted ventilation would be ideal. I'd happily pay serious money for the helmet and filter replacements if something like that existed. 

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syedimransyed5n wrote 11/06/2016 at 10:56 point

it's  areally good idea

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core weaver wrote 05/01/2015 at 13:19 point

not an easy one to solve. How are you planning on filtering the air ?  do you wanna use something passive like a few layers of different  materials, or are you planning to pursue a more active method ? something that would require decomposing the chemical structure of the intake. 

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