
Version B prototype

A project log for Hardware password manager

Small USB unit which simulates keyboard and generates, keeps and types up to eight passwords

voja-antonicVoja Antonic 08/17/2015 at 14:388 Comments

My PCBs arrived at last, so I can build the final prototype, with much simpler hardware.

The main modification is in True RNG hardware - istead of external white noise generator, which also worked fine, now I use the uninitialized internal RAM state. I described that process at, so I won't write about it here.

I have built six units (that much I promissed to my friends), and everything works great. Here is the first photo:


Rich text editor

deʃhipu wrote 11/23/2015 at 08:29 point

Those orange PCBs look very nice! Where did you find them?

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Voja Antonic wrote 11/23/2015 at 08:36 point

Ordered from Accredo, but most suppliers offer different colours today.

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deʃhipu wrote 11/23/2015 at 09:29 point

They sure do, but I've never seen orange ones.

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lond wrote 11/22/2015 at 12:54 point


When I try to build I get four warnings:

Warning[202] C:\USERS\LOND\DOCUMENTS\MPLAB\PASSWORD_MANAGER\MANAGER.ASM 521 : Argument out of range.  Least significant bits used.
Message[311] C:\USERS\LOND\DOCUMENTS\MPLAB\PASSWORD_MANAGER\MANAGER.ASM 735 : Operand of HIGH operator was larger than H'FFFF'.
Warning[202] C:\USERS\LOND\DOCUMENTS\MPLAB\PASSWORD_MANAGER\MANAGER.ASM 774 : Argument out of range.  Least significant bits used.
Warning[202] C:\USERS\LOND\DOCUMENTS\MPLAB\PASSWORD_MANAGER\MANAGER.ASM 779 : Argument out of range.  Least significant bits used.

The build produce a HEX-file, but the password listing function doesn't work :(

/// Marcus

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Voja Antonic wrote 11/22/2015 at 13:02 point

Yes, it's because the default radix is hex.

If you use MPLAB (not MPLABX), then try this:

Project/Build Options/Project/MPASM Assembler, then check
Disable Case Sensitivity, and Default Radix = decimal

If you use MPLABX, find the equivalent to preset default decimal

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lond wrote 11/22/2015 at 13:14 point


Now it's working :D :D

/// Marcus

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Voja Antonic wrote 11/02/2015 at 10:07 point

Sorry, memory error in my head :) Now it's there

You can select RNG type and MCU type at the beginning of the source file.

Default is "software RNG" and "PIC18F24K50"

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Damian wrote 11/02/2015 at 06:14 point

Will source files be released for version B at some stage?

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