New EMDrive V5
11/24/2016 at 17:50 • 0 commentsNew EMDrive cavity is on the way for silver print. Based on Shawyer´s recent patent I optimized the geometry to minimize phase distortion. This geometry allows the big end to be flat while maintaining the lengths from each point on the big end to the projected cone tip equal.
The new driver board will be also ready soon.Our testing session in Dresden is officially not over - so please be patient.
We hope to get the V5 for testing soon. -
EMDrive goes for serious testing
10/22/2016 at 07:52 • 3 commentsProud to announce that the EMDrive V4 will be tested in high vacuum in one of the world´s best test rigs at the Technical University in Dresden.
Special thanx go to Professor Martin Tajmar for making it possible.
EMDrive realtime simulation
08/17/2016 at 05:55 • 18 commentsFinally finished the EMDrive photon based simulator.
It´s running realtime for millions of photons, so it´s also neat to look at. I´ll prepare a software package for download in the next time.
The cool thing is: The model is quite simple. Each photon has a momentum vector and numerically propagates through space in light speed. If it hits a wall, its momentum is changed according to reflection on the wall´s normal vector at this place.
To conserve momentum, the same (but negative) momentum change is applied to the EMDrive body (according to the radiation pressure rule). The corresponding code for the reflecting function is in the picture.
The yellow line shows the body´s momentum after some time.
And it shows that the small end is indeed leading. The more reflections there are the larger the EMDrive´s momentum becomes. This explains why a higher Q factor would produce a higher thrust.
So do I miss something or can it be that simple? I mean I just implemented the rules for reflection and momentum transfer like shown in a physics book. -
Simulation for "paired photons" theory
07/21/2016 at 18:26 • 3 commentsThe "paired photon" theory for the EMDrive got me somehow curious.
I dug out my old OpenGL toolchain - it´s years since I touched OpenGL - I will make an interactive visual simulation which shows what would happen if paired photons would electromagnetically cancel each other out and leave the cavity taking momentum with them.
It will be not just an animation, it will be a simulator which throws photons into the cavity and refecets them by the walls. Should two photons be 180° phase shifted, they will not be reflected by the walls and will leave the cavity. In oppose to reality, they will be visible in the simulation, interesting to see which paths they will take depending on the cavity shape.
If it shows plausible results, I´ll create some automatized shape optimization routine to find a shape which emits the most photons to one end of the cavity. Dielectrics will be put into account.
I´m just starting this project beside completeting the EMDrive satellite, so please don´t push me -
New tests
06/04/2016 at 08:04 • 3 commentsImproved the floating platform by making the magnetic suspension weaker and made new#EMDrive tests:
This looks quite good. The tests with the cavity reversed show peaks in the opposite direction, but they are more narrow.
Files are in the repository (download the new viewer with bugfix).
Files: june01sr, june02br -
EMD-Viewer bugfix
05/30/2016 at 11:04 • 0 commentsNew viewer is EMDviewer4_03.exe in the repository.
The former viewer expects the quadrature signal IFI/IFQ - which contains amplitude and phase information.
The data I provided contains the already calculated amplitude and phase, wrong labeled as IFI/IFQ, so the viewer distorts the phase and power graphs.
Bug is solved with the new version.This doesn´t affect the data - it´s just the view of the power/phase graphs.
EMDrive and Satellite board marry
05/29/2016 at 16:22 • 0 commentsMarriage of the EMDrive with the #EMPQ satellite mainboard.
Power converter and communication working.
Problem to solve: The EMDrive has a high inrush current before applying a bias to the PA.
When the battery cannot supply this initial current shot, the boost converter will not reach the 5V, causing the EMDrive not to boot up and applying the bias.Conclusion: The EMDrive board needs to be slightly modified. I think I can do a quick fix on this board before going for the flight model.
Launch campaign here:
https://www.gofundme.com/25tmmes -
Fundraising initiated
05/24/2016 at 15:01 • 0 commentsWe want to get the EMDrive V4 into space.
If you want to be part of history, visit the campagin here:
gofundme.com/25tmmes -
Test with dielectric - cavity reversed
04/25/2016 at 06:02 • 3 comments#EMDrive test with cavity reversed... this time more noisy, but know what?
It shows reverse direction - I´d say it´s looking good :) -
First test with dielectric
04/24/2016 at 06:53 • 0 comments#EMDrive test with dielectric.
Last night was very quiet, the test is very low noise as you can see in the smooth oscillations of the platform. It does not happen often to get these conditions. Unfortunately I was stupid and didn´t plug in the charger for the notebook, so I recorded just one period. Anyway, another day another try.
But look at this curve - hope it will look like this every time :)
You can download the data (dielectric02BR.emd) and an improved viewer for windows here: goo.gl/ylD5kY
You can select several different sensors like temperature,PA_current, phase, frequency to compare them with the displacement graph.