I got tired of having to use a datasheet and look up code that someone else had written in order to make use of my LED Matrix, so I decided to make an arduino shield to simplify the process of wiring, as well as develop a library to simplify coding. The library will allow me to easily draw an image and scroll text, along with other functions that I might think of along the way!
Sure Electronics 8x8 Red/Green LED Matrix from Oomlout
Discrete Semiconductors / Power Transistors and MOSFETs
The final shield has been assembled and besides a couple of little niggles, I'm absolutely delighted!
The first error is of my own creation - when creating the part footprint for the matrix itself, I got the dimensions slightly wrong... the rows of pins are spaced 4 MILLIMETRES too far apart!! My heart sank when I found this, but bending the pins on the matrix has solved this issue, although it is a bodge.
The second thing I noticed is the size of the cutouts for the barrel jack and USB port on the Arduino - they don't seem to be deep enough, so the shield still partially sits on them. The shield easily plugs in still, and I suppose the cutouts could just be there so you know not to place components there and have them short out on the USB jack.
I've received the shield PCBs, and they look absolutely amazing! Big shout out to OSHPark for these. Smooth process and while the shipping takes a long time, the quality definitely redeems this.
Waiting for the remaining headers etc. now, so I should have them assembled by Wednesday.
Since all the wiring is now complete, I have designed and sent off for fabrication the PCB for the shield. I am using OSHPark for the PCBs, and the design is going to be added to the 6th April panel. Hopefully I'll have it in a couple of weeks, but this may be being optimistic!