
Qemu, anyone?

A project log for Pi Video Player

An all-in-one video player/controller, suitable for children

craig-hissettCraig Hissett 08/15/2015 at 10:490 Comments

Today marks the deadline day for the FDI Design Challenge, in which my proposal for this project made the final 8 and recieved their 7" touchscreen to go into it.

With the hardware complete and the album of photos documenting the evolution of the project is time to get to serious work on the software.

Up until now I have been either writing python on my windows netbook and testing snippets on a Pi. Not very productive. I have decided to step it up a notch and have downloaded Qemu; this allows me to emulate my Pi image on my netbook.

If this works as well as I hope then I should be able to fly through setting up my image ready to whack on an SD card and have the Pi running with it's custom coding in no time; worst case scenario I'll be able to save everything to my github for an easy install on the player if i cant save to the image.

Does anyone have experience with Qemu? All hints and tips welcome!!
