Robot I developed during my Masters in Robotics at the University of Ottawa. It is meant to show how a very simple design can make a very functional robot. It is one of the most compact stair-climbing robots in the world. The video linked below highlights the robot's capabilities.
This robot has only four wheels and a rotating arm. With this it can stand up on its own, balance on two wheels, climb stairs and overcome large obstacles. It can climb obstacles that most larger robots cannot. Most stair-climbing robots have threads (like tanks) and are large and heavy. This robot weights 5 pounds, can travel up to 15km/h, and its battery lasts more than an hour.
Hello. This robot interests me. I would like to build a modified version, a bit longer, say 1.5", making room for realsense electronics. Would this extra length impair the stair climbing mechanics?
Hello. This robot interests me. I would like to build a modified version, a bit longer, say 1.5", making room for realsense electronics. Would this extra length impair the stair climbing mechanics?