
Well, it works. Mostly.

A project log for Anti-sedent Alarm, or Get Up, Stand Up

An alarm system that alerts me when I have been sitting in my chair too long.

kristina-panoskristina panos 07/11/2014 at 16:201 Comment

It works. It does what it's supposed to, as long as I'm sitting on it properly. Sounds like Apple made it, no? Except they'd make the pad white.

I changed the code to make the red light come on when I'm supposedly sitting on the FSR. For some reason, this light blinks when powered from a wall wart whether force is applied or not. When plugged into a computer, it produces the expected bootloader ready blinkenlight, but is silent after that period.

I'm scheming to extend size of the the force-sensing area without compromising the FSR. Wish me luck.


jlbrian7 wrote 07/29/2014 at 00:31 point
It looks to me like you could add two more of the flex resistors to each side of the existing one, supply each 5v from the power supply, but daisy chain the outputs together so that one wire feeds back to the arduino as with the current setup, then you are covering most of the area of your chair and you don't have to change your code or worry about how you sit on it.

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