
07/06/2015 : New test @ field VIDEO

A project log for Autonomous video recording

This project goal is to developp an autonomous way of filming RC plane during flight without the need of a 2nd person to do it.

walker-ericWalker Eric 06/15/2015 at 09:022 Comments

Here is the video from the last test, there is an offset to the right due to mis positionning of the support.

Also you can notice the limit of my current calibration for the heigh !

Zoom was disable and servo speed was a little bit to high, I hope the 10Hz GPS will improve the smoothing.


Ahmet Cem TURAN wrote 04/04/2021 at 17:01 point

Hi, this really looks promising.  Now that soloshot seems to be dormant....  How far in are you with the project..  Did you develop it further?

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Rob Parzek wrote 06/15/2015 at 10:01 point

Très excitant de le voir suivre votre avion! This is great. Looking forward to seeing how the faster GPS translates, but already you are so close to smooth operation!

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