This project is the log of the design and challenges of building a custom USB controller. The hardware that I have chosen is only a good starting point and a solid platform to test ideas and enable me to learn what is needed before I decide to scratch build my own device.
This log or maybe guide of sorts will include details on how devices parse data, what the data means to host and device, what the device and host do with that data and how to fully implement a USB Descriptor in regards to a gaming peripheral.
I am planning on collecting variables with high accuracy, this means I will need sensors with a high degree of fidelity, something that i will be researching and working on during the stages of the build.
I am also looking into a force feedback control system on all of the axis, I have in mind using stepper motors and encoders. If i went this route, the system is limited only by my engineering prowess in terms of how accurate i could make this. It could be a complete off shoot from this project though.
I hope that someone finds this information legible and useful and if you see any corrections i can make please advise me.
plot twist: OP is conducting drone strikes