
Doc Digitizer

A low-cost simple product which digitizes paper records.

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We have a sturdy setup, an app and an interactive DBMS software. We have an app that takes pictures whenever it detects motion, that is whenever a page is turned , the phone having the pap is mounted on the setup and the documents are placed inside a well lit sturdy frame., the pics taken by the app processes the content and digitizes them via OCR and stores them in a very user friendly DBMS software custom made to the preferance of the user, in this case weve made this product for medical institutions, so our software manages patient medical records , after digitization .

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francesco wrote 12/21/2022 at 22:49 point

if i want to build the scanner where are the project files

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Rob Vincent wrote 06/16/2015 at 22:50 point

This looks great! I look forward to more technical details.

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