This project use parts from other projects. It is a small case with 2 small car's speakers, a motorcycle battery and an amplifier to carry music everywhere. The case come from an idea I got on the 2014 Hackaday Prize but never realised. The amplifier is the one I planned to use for the sci-fi contest (Futurama's Jack Dispenser) but didn't received for the deadline. I may throw in my Raspberry Pi used for the RaspBox project since this project is stalled. It contains a smart battery charger to be able to use it when the battery is in charge.
Hi everyone. After a few researches and some help on for understanding gel batteries, I decided to get my stuff together and buy the components for this project. So far, I've tested the amplifier with the speakers, the whole thing on battery with the smart charger and there doesn't seems to have any problem. I wasn't sure that the amplifier could take more than 12V but after a few researches, I found that it can in fact take between 8V and 18V : the amplifier chip (AN7190NK) can take between 8V and 18V and the rest of the amplifier is powered through a 7805 voltage regulator so there should be no problem !
I've been taking measurements of the components and made a quick 3D model to see how I can fit everything in the case and I may be able to come out with a solution.
Next step will be to drill and cut in order to install the amplifier (the front panel will be on the side of the case), the speakers (on top of the case) and also to put a connector for mains for the smart charger (I don't like to have a cable hanging around so I will cut it and just put a nice connector). Pictures will come soon too. Keep tuned !