
Totes in the Wild

A project log for Tote

Affordable spider robot

dehipudeʃhipu 08/28/2015 at 17:274 Comments

The main goal of all this work I'm doing on Tote is to make people build their own robots. The idea is that they can start with Tote (or the elements of Tote that they like), and grow from there. Unfortunately, so far nobody that I know of decided to try it. Until recently.

I got e-mails from at least two people who are now working on their robots more or less based on Tote.

The first one is #Micropython Quadruped Robot built by @wagner. He used a permaboard instead of a PCB for the body, and translated the walking code from C++ into Micropython, to use with his pyBoard. Last time I heard from him he still had some problems with the code, but I hope he will get them resolved.

The second robot, #Tote in the Wild, made by @Over.Unity, also uses a permaboard for its body, but uses a Pro Mini just like Tote. I got permission to show you a gallery of photos of the robot. It walks around pretty well now!

I've also seen some comments under the post on from people thinking about building their robots, but I've never heard from them again. If you are building a robot based on or even just inspired by Tote, please let me know! I'd love to hear about it, and see photos and videos of it.

Update: #Tote in the Wild has its project page now and is finished.


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H wrote 03/09/2016 at 03:55 point

Hello again! I mentioned I would try it forever ago but put it on the backburner. I saw tote again on yesterday's newsletter so today I bought all the required parts (except the custom board) and a few extras (IR LEDs/receivers, a 1000uF cap, and a FTDI USB to TTL 3.3 V module). I have a 3.7 V cellphone battery and a buzzer lying around.

So for the custom PCB should I order this one? What thickness did you like best?

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deʃhipu wrote 03/09/2016 at 09:21 point

See my private message.

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deʃhipu wrote 03/09/2016 at 17:27 point

PCBs sent, should arrive in a few days.

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H wrote 03/09/2016 at 22:02 point

Sweet! The parts I ordered from Amazon will arrive mid April

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