
Layout finished!

A project log for JACK

just another cortex kit - Cortex M0 development kit with an Atmel SAM D21, a USB device port, an LDO, some passives and breakout headers

michele-perlaMichele Perla 07/07/2015 at 18:040 Comments

Hey there,

I finished the layout! I also updated the screenshots here in the gallery :)

I also revisioned the schematic so to remove any warning the ERC reported and added some copper pours on the PCB for power signals. Now I will just double check the PCB, to see if I could optimize the pours (I don't like empty board room).

As you can see there's some space left on the board, I may add an LED somewhere on the board (you know, for the classic Blinky test) and I will surely add a JACK logo somewhere. I could also do that on copper (!) because etched copper is way more precise than silkscreen, and looks neater!

After this last check, it's order time! .\m/

Cheers, Mick

PS: as always, check the Github page for the latest files.
