I have finished reverse engineering the interrupt acknowledge circuitry, mostly AVEC, DUARTs provide their own vector.
copy and paste from my hardware notes text file:
U29 is interrupt acknowledge decoder. For this to work, FC0, FC1, and ADDR19 must be enabled in place of CS3, 4, and 6.
IRQA4 - JA1 pin 25, UART2 IACK
I took a look at the IRQ lines using a scope to confirm that IRQ3 was the issue (if you recall from the last post, the RTC periodic interrupt vector) and saw pulsing on IRQ3 at 64hz (makes sense) but also a constant asserted state on IRQ2 which I found interesting. It seems that due to the way the parallel port IRQ circuitry is designed, whether it starts up requesting an IRQ or not is dependant on the behavior of a flip flop which has its active low reset input tied high via a resistor during power on. Anyway, this can result in the parallel port interrupt being asserted after reset. This is a simple fix, I just have to write or read any address in the CS5:0800-0FFF range which has ADDR1 low and the IRQ clears.
The RTC required a bit more reverse engineering. I started by finding reference documents on the particular RTC used, an Epson RTC72423. I saw that this RTC has two chip selects, one active high, the other active low. The active low chip select was driven by a 74AC138 which decoded the address to CS5:2000-27FF. The active high chip select was driven by the active low RESET line. This is to prevent the RTC from accidentally being written during a RESET or during power on. Next, I checked where the data lines connected: D0 to DATA8, D1 to DATA9, D2 to DATA10, and D3 to DATA11. This makes perfect sense for a big endian architecture of course, as a single byte read will give you the data of the RTC this way. I suspected the address lines would be attached A0 to ADDR1, A1 to ADDR2, and so on since CS5 is normally setup to be a 16 bit port (more on that in a later post maybe). However, this was not the case. A0 was connected to ADDR0, A1 to ADDR1, and so on. I realized at this point, that the RTC must take advantage of dynamic bus resizing to force the bus to 8 bits when it is accessed. Sure enough, the select line for the RTC also went to some circuitry which added an RC delay and asserted DSACK0, thus indicating to the 68332 that the access should be 8 bits wide.
I examined these memory values in the monitor, and sure enough it looked like the RTC. I could see the seconds counting up, and the seconds carrying over to minutes. All that's left to do is to see if I can write some code to set the RTC, and more importantly, disable the periodic interupt (or just handle it).
Also, I think the upper 4 bits of the data bus are just left floating during RTC accesses, but I'm not sure. Every read I did resulted in #$6 in the upper nibble. The chip enable line didn't seem to enable anything other than the RTC, but I didn't look too extensively.
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