
PiClock - A Raspberry Pi Clock & Weather Display

This project is a fancy Clock and weather display built around a monitor and a Raspberry Pi.

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The PiClock is a clock (duh), weather forcast, and radar map display based on the Raspberry Pi and a display monitor. The display monitor is assumed to be an HDMI monitor, but it will probably (possibly) work with the composite output as well, but this is not a design goal.

The main program (Clock/ will also run on Windows, Mac, and Linux, as long as python 2.7+ and PyQt4 is installed.

The Weather data comes from DarkSky using their API ( ). The maps are from Mapbox ( ) or Google Maps.

The PiClock can be customized with several supported additional things:
* RGB LED strips (NeoPixel) to create an ambilight effect
* gpio buttons for changing the view
* IR Remote Control for changing the view
* Streaming the NOAA weather radio


The PiClock is a clock (duh), weather forcast, and radar map display based on the Raspberry Pi and a display monitor. The display monitor is assumed to be an HDMI monitor, but it will probably (possibly) work with the composite output as well, but this is not a design goal. The main program (Clock/ will also run on Windows, Mac, and Linux, as long as python 2.7+ and PyQt4 is installed.

The Weather data comes from DarkSky using their API ( ).  The maps are from Google Maps API.  You must get API Keys from DarkSky and Google in order to make this work.  It is free for low usage such as this application.

The Weather data comes from OpenWeatherMap or  The maps are from Google Maps API or Mapbox.  You must get API Keys from OpenWeatherMap or and Google or Mapbox in order to make this work.  It is free for low usage such as this application.

The PiClock can be customized with several supported additional things:

  • RGB LED strips (NeoPixel) to create an ambilight effect
  • gpio buttons for changing the view
  • IR Remote Control for changing the view
  • Streaming the NOAA weather radio stream for your area

The power usage I've measured is about 35watts with a 19" HDMI Monitor, 27 LEDs and the Pi. The LEDs contributed 3 or so watts, and I think the Pi is about 2-3 Watts normally.

This is the basic PiClock, with some options added. PiClock Picture

I chose to remove the plastic frame from my monitor and mount the Pi directly on it, as well as tap power from the display's power supply. PiClock Pi Mounting

I've made it work on multiple platforms and form factors. PiClock Pi Mounting

And I've made some for friends and family with different customizations. PiClock Pi Mounting

Overview on GitHub

There's an overview, install guide and hardware guide along with the source on GitHub.

PiClocks have been successfully built and proudly displayed around the world by many people. Some examples can be seen on closed github issues, as well as my public facebook page. I can't tell how many PiClocks are out there. The github page shows 123 forks and 395 stars. Here on, there are almost 273 skulls (likes) 158,000 views and over 2,000 followers. As well as 189 comments in the form of questions and answers.

I try to answer questions mostly on github, open new issues here:

I've made several PiClocks for friends and family. A few friends have made their own as well.

Maybe you'd like to give it a try.

Here are some successful PiClock build pictures.

Craig Moench


Micheal Jacques

  • 1 × A Raspberry Pi (revision 2) Model B, or B+ or Pi 2 Model B or Pi 3 or Pi Zero
  • 1 × A Display Monitor & Cable
  • 1 × 5V Power Supply (for Pi) Power Supply (or if you're ambitious tap your display power supply, you'll probably need a switching down regulator to 5v) Remember the Pi likes something that can source up to 2A.
  • 1 × A USB Keyboard and Mouse for setup (if you want something small and semi-permanent, I've had good luck with this: I like the one with the mousepad on the side)
  • 1 × USB Wifi or Internet Connection

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phatcatman wrote 10/15/2018 at 16:27 point

Rick, Have the same problem... Got the radar.. No map. Will troubleshoot... maybe tonight?

Will post any findings.

Edit: I noticed in the bottom right corner shows a WU icon.. Never saw those before.

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Rick wrote 10/10/2018 at 10:13 point

Anyone know how to fix the Maps not showing up anymore? I have no Google API keys only key is the WU Key in the  Radar works fine just no maps.

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Kevin Uhlir wrote 12/22/2018 at 00:39 point

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raflynasution123 wrote 07/10/2018 at 04:19 point


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wilhelmvibritannia wrote 05/03/2018 at 07:28 point

Hi! I've been testing this app for a few days for my school project, and it's really really nice. Do you think it's possible to add a news feed or some kinda new widget in PiClock? For example replacing a few squares of predictions to add something there.

Thank you so much!

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[this comment has been deleted]

Kevin Uhlir wrote 12/22/2018 at 00:42 point

Set the config variable

wuLanguage = "DK"


Language = "DK"

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john.h.krantz wrote 03/10/2018 at 22:47 point

This is a great app.  I have just started using in and really enjoy it.  I was wondering if you have any intention to make the screen touch sensitive.  I am using it on the raspberry Pi 7" touch screen and would like to mount it on the wall and do away with the keyboard. Thanks for all your work.

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cfrashie wrote 02/24/2018 at 21:15 point

I am curious is there a way to import traffic on the google maps?  

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Rick wrote 01/13/2018 at 02:25 point

Anyone having issues with Maps showing up? The Radar works, but google maps no longer showing. Just started doing it. Not sure where to start.

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Wayne Westfield wrote 01/21/2018 at 00:30 point

Hi, I just got done today and what I am seeing is a Gray background with specks here and there on a loop but no map details with WU int he right hand lower corner.  I also tried the example configs and they do the same thing.

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Wayne Westfield wrote 01/22/2018 at 01:01 point

Hi Rick,

I just found that if I remove the google API key from the that everything works now.

Good luck.

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kirtiabhay wrote 12/31/2017 at 23:10 point

Hi Kevin, This is really great project with time, weather and radar precision...thanks for detailed instruction and I made it work exactly what shown here. It is working also at boot up but just have a question if you could guide me how to run this PiClock at given interval. I have some other slideshows which I would like to run on-screen with PiClock at certain interval concurrently running by switching from piclock to slideshow and vice-versa. I am trying to make an interactive display with time interval showing both slideshow and PiClock. Thanks a lot and appreciate your help. 

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pmk2510968 wrote 12/20/2017 at 20:05 point

I have the import error: no module named apikeys when I tried to run it, any help please?

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duncan.galloway wrote 12/08/2017 at 08:54 point

Hi Kevin, great project, worked very well for me! I want to show the conditions and time for a different location (and different time zone). The location is easy to configure with the relevant location in, but I don't want to have to set my system clock for the different zone to display the time there. How do I show the time in another zone?

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bethwalker15 wrote 12/06/2017 at 02:32 point

Over the last 3 days our Piclock has suddenly started exceeding the number of allowed calls for my WU API key.  We've regenerated the key and the problem still exists. Any suggestions?

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paul wrote 12/05/2017 at 20:23 point

Just a simple question, does this display show weather alerts for the area?

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spenser_snyder wrote 11/20/2017 at 03:52 point

How does one get rid of the Analog Clock in order to Show the time in Digit Form?

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Kevin Uhlir wrote 12/22/2018 at 00:44 point


digital = 1

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wypfl9 wrote 11/09/2017 at 16:03 point

Love it .. is it possible too show additional time zones on the left and or a newsfeed?

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gdm44752 wrote 09/30/2017 at 20:18 point

Thanks buddy! It's a nice and simple idea and construction. I just made one for my self, we have it in the living room connected to the TV, anytime we want to check the weather we just switch to the HDMI port and voila! :) just in case I made a video-journey during my experience in this project

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ryanuptain wrote 09/25/2017 at 01:23 point

Hello Kevin (and all you guys who know what you are doing),

So I set this amazing little guy up. I just have a couple far...

How can I change the background and the style of the clock? I don't want to mess around and ruin the code...I am a beginner. Thanks!

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gdm44752 wrote 09/30/2017 at 20:20 point

It's easy, take a look here, by the end there's how to change and load the different backgrounds, icons styles.. etc.

You can do it via SSH or/and FileZilla

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jratha wrote 09/23/2017 at 12:03 point

Hi Kevin.

Just a quick Query/ Is it possible to show the the attached temperature sensors in °F instead of just numbers. Like in the top left of my screen?

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Wilson wrote 08/15/2017 at 14:09 point

Would it be possible to pull the Google Maps traffic API and show that also? Looking for any knowledgeable to help..


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Danny Martin wrote 07/20/2017 at 15:48 point

Kevin I am still having trouble with the NeoPixel lights. I have tried 4 different brands of lights including a Adafruit NeoPixel Ring with the same results. I have even tried running just the stand alone. I would welcome any additional help you might have.


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