Using a Teensy LC, I am working on building a fairly simple data logger with some buttons to indicate certain health issues. It has a RTC, barometric pressure sensor, and a temp/RH sensor. The idea is to log the conditions a person is in and allow them to push a button to indicate a particular problem. The data can then be used to correlate weather to the condition and hopefully predict it.
Temp/RH sensor
Clock and Timer ICs / Real-Time ClocksRTC
I mostly wanted to upload a picture of some of the parts for this post. I still don't have the temp/humidity sensor, so I haven't really started on this project. I'm also trying to finish up my first project on .io before I really get into this one.
When I started looking at this project, I didn't really think about the application outside of my own personal use. I don't think I get migraines, but I regularly get headaches that seem to have a trigger of some kind. I think it has something to do with Wednesdays, but I don't have actual data to back that up. They have also seemed to happen around weather changes and my dry sinuses seem to be related, too, which I know is directly related to environmentals.
I don't plan on taking this project as far as I think it could go, but allow me to dream a bit. These sensors could be integrated into a fitbit-sytle wristband, synced with an app on a smartphone with geo-tagging, and aggregated en-masse for statistical analysis. Over time, if a correlation is found, this could also be used to notify the user of a risk based on their personal data. Trends could be tracked across a broad population, and used for research. Ignoring HIPAA and privacy concerns, naturally.
This project is just a few sensors and buttons with a battery so I can collect my data. I may try to write some internal correlation math to see if I can alert myself of harsh conditions I may not be aware of, but that might be pushing it a little bit. As is, I don't think this will change the world, but it could help collect data about migraine headaches that are not well understood.
Parts are all on order from China (and the Teensy LC is on order from wherever PJRC is). Everything so far is about $25. I'm planning on using another USB lighter for the power. They provide a nice little package for a portable project. I don't know exactly how I will get all these components inside it, though.
I know the teensy is overkill for this project, but it is giving me an excuse to get one and play with it. The first time I saw these featured on HaD, I wanted to use one. Now I finally am.
I'll post pictures in a month when I get the parts.