
Mako DSP

An open source DSP platform and PureData hardware peripheral, MIDI brain, Synth brain, Audio Jack of All Trades

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Mako DSP is an open source audio DSP platform. The goal of the project aims to provide a hardware platform and software library to enable easy implementation of audio DSP systems. Mako DSP is Arduino shield compatible, featuring a set of headers like the Leonardo board. It was decicded to support Arduino shields to help diversify the Mako DSP's potential applications that extend beyond standard audio DSP applications. Powered by a unique asymmetrical dual core ARM Cortex M4F MCU, the NXP LPC4337, which has a Cortex M4F core and an M0 core in the same package. Being dual core will allow Mako DSP to process audio signals in real time but also act as a controller simultaneously. The sources for the hardware platform and software are available as FOSS on Github.

Mako DSP Board Prototype 2.0 Specs:

  • NXP LPC4337 ARM Cortex M4F/M0 204MHZ Asymmetrical Dual-Core BGA256
  • Alliance Memory AS4C8M16S SDRAM 128MBIT
  • Arduino Leonardo Hardware Compatible Pinout
  • Two 10 pin additional GPIO banks for more I/O
  • Wolfson Audio WM8778 24 Bit 96KHZ In/Out Audio Codec
  • microSD Card Slot
  • USB 2.0 w/ OTG and Host Support
  • Dedicated Analog and Digital Supplies for clean audio
  • 1A 5VDC for Shield power
  • Real time DSP Capable
  • USB Code Loading
  • ARM Cortex JTAG Debug Support

Mako DSP Board Prototype 1.0/1.6 Specs:

  • NXP LPC4337 ARM Cortex M4F/M0 204MHZ Asymmetrical Dual-Core
  • Arduino Leonardo Hardware Compatible Pinout
  • Two 10 pin additional GPIO banks for more I/O
  • Wolfson Audio WM8778 24 Bit 96KHZ In/Out Audio Codec
  • microSD Card Slot
  • USB 2.0 w/ OTG and Host Support
  • Dedicated Analog and Digital Supplies for clean audio
  • Real time DSP Capable

  • 1 × LPC4337 Microprocessors, Microcontrollers, DSPs / ARM, RISC-Based Microcontrollers
  • 1 × WM8778 24 bit 96khz Audio Codec
  • 1 × TPS62162 Power Management ICs / Switching Regulators and Controllers
  • 1 × MIC24085 Power Management ICs / Switching Regulators and Controllers
  • 1 × AS4C8M16S Memory ICs / Synchronous Dynamic RAM (SDRAM)

View all 7 components

  • Unsure Future

    AVR10/30/2016 at 00:57 0 comments

    So given that NXP has been acquired by Qualcomm that puts the future of the LPC4330 MCU line into an awkward place given how Qualcomm puts all their parts behind NDAs and this being an open project. So we'll have to see what happens to the NXP portfolio going forward, if its going to be kept as open as it is now I will go ahead with a redesign based on their hardware if not, the project is probably going to shift over to STM32 since they are open enough and have the easiest to use ARM product line out of all the companies I've tried.

  • Future

    AVR09/22/2016 at 22:35 1 comment

    Hey folks, so this project is wicked old, underdeveloped, and unfinished. Some of the parts have even been discontinued. All that being said my passion for music and audio is still there, and I intend to begin work on this project again.

    Now for the future of Mako DSP. I have decided to abandon the arduino formfactor entirely and focus on developing a formfactor most appropriate for buidling audio DSP applications with MIDI. Instead of an odd shaped board with headers, I'm opting for a standard rectangular shape with ports on the board edge, LPC4337 at the center. I thinking the following preliminary Specs :

    - LPC4337 ARM Cortex M4F/M0 Asymmetrical dual core (Same MCU as before)

    - 8 Channel in and out Audio Codec

    - External DRAM modules for the LPC4337

    - Stereo SPIDF output

    - USB connectivity

    - USB Host/OTG

    - Ethernet

    - Full size MIDI input and output DIN connectors

    - 1/4 Stereo TRS jacks for all connectivity to the audio codec

    The concept I'm aiming for here is sort of like a DSP evaluation kit from a manufacture but instead the beefy LPC4337 at the center of everything. Also all future development will be in KiCAD and probably in a new repository. I'm going to start with the LPC4337, external memory, audio codec, and just USB device in the first version. I have a lot of LPC4337 TQFP parts laying around, so I can build this version for minimal costs, the next version will be BGA and contain all the intended features listed above. Thats all for now folks!

  • Update 2/23/14

    AVR03/26/2014 at 08:27 0 comments

     Mako DSP has been in development since August 2013, the first prototype design was completed in October 2013, development stopped from the end of october until late January 2014. No prototypes have been manufactured as of yet. I have been doing a lot of thinking about what sort of audio processing I want the Mako to be able to do and thinking about how that will affect the design. For a long while even at the start of the project I was considering external memory. External memory would allow for many more possibilities, the only issues is that it needs more pins. THe decision has been made to swtich over the to the BGA256 package for the LPC4337 and add an external SDRAM module. These are huge changes and will require a complete redesign of the hardware but its the right direction to go in. Stay tuned folks!

View all 3 project logs

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wadewatts wrote 01/19/2021 at 15:12 point

where's this at?

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softenjame wrote 10/10/2020 at 20:33 point

This is really working in my sound system. You can get reviews about it here

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ben biles wrote 09/11/2015 at 06:38 point

hi Adam, I'm working on a 16 / 8 / 2 midi controlled stereo mixer and have hit a brick wall in terms of mix routing / mixing etc since i'm just using a DACs for USBmidi controlled attenuation etc.. Just wondered how far off your DSP board is and if you think it could be multichannel mix capable ? i'm thinking it would need DSD or multiple I2S IO on gpio pins on the DSP to work ?

i'll look up the specs of the LPC4337 now, but to be honest i'm a total beginer at DSP so I probebly won't know what i'm looking at !!!

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AVR wrote 11/29/2015 at 19:46 point

I didn't notice this comment until now, damn email is filled with too much junk. I haven't touched this design since February 2014. I still have interest in it but I am going to reimagine it as something better. The revised version will be BGA, use the triple core version of the LP43xx chip, be multichannel capable, MIDI, sampling, and synth capabilities. An all around digital audio powerhouse for building rack hardware, midi controllers, synthesizers the works. I don't know when I 'll work on it again but I really want to find time for it.

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Gareth Coleman wrote 07/30/2014 at 17:20 point
Very cool project! I'd love to graduate to DSP level boards one day - 256 pins seems insane to me! Out of interest - have you any idea how much you would have to sell the board for to cover your costs and pay a decent wage for your assembly time?

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Matt Long wrote 07/10/2014 at 05:26 point
Hi Adam,
Cool project. I support your decision to switch to the bga package, although the pcb layout/fabrication is a bit trickier. I have a few Questions:
What application(s) did you have in mind when specing this project? (I am planning on a similar project for a modular open source loudspeaker management system. )

How attached are you to the wolfson WM8778? In your opinion would using the WM8581(tqfp-48 2in 8out with slightly less signal/noise io) increase the complexity by an unacceptable amount? Have you looked at the Cirrus audio SoCs?( I personally would add an 48v+ phantom mic preamp and adc for a reference mic input for RTA as well as line drivers/recievers for the analog i/o)

You may have already passed the point of no return regarding the audio interface IC (or just want to stick with the Wm8778) If that is the case I would still love to pick your brain and help out if needed.

If switching to a 2in 8 out setup sounds enticing to you then we may be able to combine resources. I can help with PCB layout, dsp programming debugging, and end user control/monitor interface.

I may try to fast track my project by using existing dev boards to try and get something up and running in a month and a half but I also have a high power RGBA/RGBW led tape project that may take president, so that's where I'm at. Great to see someone else working on ARM+DSP Audio solution, keep up the good work.

-Matt Long
San Francisco CA

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AVR wrote 07/11/2014 at 02:59 point
Hi Matt,
Thanks for commenting on my project! I'll try to answer your questions below:

>What application(s) did you have in mind when specing this project?
>(I am planning on a similar project for a modular open source loudspeaker management system. )

The intended application of the MakoDSP is to be a DIY audio DSP platform, for processing stereo audio at 24 bit in real time. Users could make digital guitar effects, digital synthesizers, midi controllers with digital synthesis, stereo EQ, speech generator, etc. I went with the Wolfson Codec because they're known for a warm sound that I felt would be appropriate for the intended applications.

>How attached are you to the wolfson WM8778? In your opinion would using the WM8581(tqfp-48 2in 8out with slightly less signal/noise io) increase the complexity by an > unacceptable amount? Have you looked at the Cirrus audio SoCs?( I personally would add an 48v+ phantom mic preamp and adc for a reference mic input for RTA as well as line > drivers/recievers for the analog i/o)

I'm not attached to any particular Codec IC, I just have read very good things about Wolfson. If the WM8581 is in fact better on noise I would be open to it. What sort of connectors would you want to use for the 8 outputs? Its important to me to have a stereo in and out on the front like my two origianl designs and the current BGA revision. I have not yet looked into the Cirrus audio SoC's, the reason why I am going with the LPC4330 (maybe even one of the higher up models in the LPC43xx) is because its incredibly versatile across the board with a high clockspeed, also the Cortex M4F with hardware float also has DSP assembly extensions. On another note I have used this MCU before and I know it best out of the ARMs I've used, I also have other software functions for it based on previous projects and I'd like to recycle code.

All that being said it would be wonderful to work with someone on this. I don't really have much experience at all in the software side of things, I got a taste of it interning for a guitar effects company but I haven't done anything with DSP programming. I'm mostly a hardware designer and embedded systems guy, I was going to design the board, write the libraries and learn along the way. I hang regularly on google chat, so PM me your username and we can get to talking!


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AVR wrote 07/11/2014 at 23:38 point
my email is fenderstratman at g mail dot com feel free to hit me up about working on the Mako with me! :)

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