
New Version of VWRadio available (v1.2.1)

A project log for CAN BUS Gaming Simulator

Controlling a VW CAN BUS dashboard of a Polo 6R with an Arduino and a CAN BUS shield using the Telemetry API of Euro Truck Simulator 2

leon-batailleLeon Bataille 06/12/2017 at 14:550 Comments

I've just released a newer version for the VWRadio software.

I fixed several small bugs. Especially the loop after the first launch without a prior configuration file has been fixed.

There's now the option to enable a graphic visualization for music playback in the lower left corner.

You can now also shut down your computer within the program. Therefore you have to go to the settings menu and click on exit. There you're can choose either to exit the program or to completely shut down your PC. I'll show you this feature in a future video. But at the moment it's a surprise for what I implemented it in the software.
