
Foofy Weensy - Teensy + ESP8266

A Teensy development board which includes a ESP8266 and Lipo charger.

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This is a new Teensy Derivative that includes a ESP8266 Wifi Controller and Lipo Charger circuit so that you can put a single cell Lipo to power this dev board.

Based on the Teensy, It has the same foot print at the top end of the board, where at the bottom end, it is extended to include a Lipo controller and ESP8266 Wifi controller with a PCB Trace antenna.

I plan on using this board as a IoT type device for various projects around the house.

Now it has a SD card connected to the ESP8266 so that you can add extra storage and web pages easily.

The Foofy Weensy is 65mmx17.6mm which is 30mm longer than the Teensy but has the same pinouts as the Teensy with additional 6 pins at the USB end for the Lipo, Solar and various other useful pins. It has a WIFI chip and PCB antenna as well as a Micro SD Card holder connected to the WIFI chip to allow expansion of web pages or additional logging etc. Constructed of a 4 Layer FR4 PCB, the Foofy Weensy can be used for any projects that needs the power and functionality of the Teensy but with added Lipo support and WIFI. It also includes the RTC Crystal already installed, in a slimmer package, so all you need to add is a RTC backup battery from continued Real time operation.

The following link details the pin layout of the Foofy Weensy. And you can visit the projects wiki here.

  • SD works!

    Stephen Edwards07/05/2015 at 03:20 1 comment

    Built a new one with SD card and it works!

    ESP is reading the SD card nicely.

    New board seems to be bug free. Party time.

    Now the question is, should I attach the Teensy Side to the SD card and thus the ESP8266 via SPI as well. This may mean I will have to change to a 6 layer board.

    Next task. Indigogo project, lets see what the maker community make of this, see If I can sell 1000 units. Current price looks around $39 (NZD) so $26USD at current exchange rate.

  • New PCB arrived

    Stephen Edwards07/02/2015 at 10:34 0 comments

    New and improved (aka bug fixed) PCB's have arrive. That was really fast turn around. Thanks pcbzone.

    The PCB Trace antenna now works like a charm. Now need to test the SD card attached to the ESP8266 and see if it can serve up some webpages.

    Time to rule the world :)

  • Initial Log Entry

    Stephen Edwards06/29/2015 at 01:44 0 comments

    Moved from Description was in the wrong place (Doh!)

    Currently tuning the Wifi Antenna. My First PCB Trace Antenna was incorrect as I mis calculated the Feed Trace Width and Antenna length. But the Ceramic antenna saved the day.

    Time to search for someone with a Network Analyser or Spectrum Analyser that won't charge the Earth to use it, or find some Low Cost 2.4Ghz add on for my Oscilloscope.

  • 29Jun Update

    Stephen Edwards06/29/2015 at 01:43 0 comments

    I've fixed a few bugs and rerouted some of the lines from the Ground plane to the data layer (Yes I know, bad form putting traces in the ground plane, but I just can't seem to find a route without using this plane).

    I've added a Micro SD card socket as there's room for one, and hooked it up to the ESP8266, ideal for serving Webpages and images.

    Ordered a new board and stencil from the Manufacturer. Let's hope everything is now correct.

View all 4 project logs

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