The Foofy Weensy is 65mmx17.6mm which is 30mm longer than the Teensy but has the same pinouts as the Teensy with additional 6 pins at the USB end for the Lipo, Solar and various other useful pins. It has a WIFI chip and PCB antenna as well as a Micro SD Card holder connected to the WIFI chip to allow expansion of web pages or additional logging etc. Constructed of a 4 Layer FR4 PCB, the Foofy Weensy can be used for any projects that needs the power and functionality of the Teensy but with added Lipo support and WIFI. It also includes the RTC Crystal already installed, in a slimmer package, so all you need to add is a RTC backup battery from continued Real time operation.
The following link details the pin layout of the Foofy Weensy. And you can visit the projects wiki here.