The Atmega 16/32 have four full 8-Bit IO-ports. Beside of that they are very similar to the popular Atmega328p used on most Arduinos. This not to be used with the Ardunio IDE. But I had used normal Arduino with Atmel Studio for some time now.
So this little board is mostly to get more IOs easy to use on breadboard. In this first Version (perhaps also the last) I spare an USB to serial converter. The board gets programmed over an ISP-programmer.
When using the Atmega32 in the VQFN package and when you do not use the bottom pad. You can made this board even smaller:
The data sheet recommends to use the bottom pad, but without using it you have some pace for traces and vias under the chip. Soldering the micro was quite tricky but it works after some rework:
When assembling the board I used a SMD button which fits on the footprint of THT button. I alos did not used a standard crystal. instead I used a ceramic resonator I had laying around - it does fits on the footprints of the crystal and the crystal's capacitors.
Note: There is an error in the silkscreen: The pin labeled B4 next to B2 is pin B3
So I soldered the first broad. And its is working fine. I used an old Atmega16L I had desoldered from some old stuff some time ago.
And the AVR is working with a 12 MHz crystal, although this is out of spec (8MHz max. for the "L" version). But I do not have a other lower value at hand.