Quantity   Component name
1 × Probotix Fireball X90 CNC kit w/ 18x18x3 inch work area
2 × Aluminum Bar Clamps Square cast-aluminum bar clamp
1 × Shop Vacuum 5 gallon bucket style shop vac preferred
1 × Bucket 5 gallon bucket
10 × 2x4 studs Lots of wood
4 × 4x8ft sheets of 3/4 plywood more wood
1 × USB 10-Key Keypad makes a good pendant
1 × Keyboard stickers Makes the Keypad look like a pendant
10 × Packs of Koolaid mix Color for sound dampening panels
2 × Bottles of wood glue Bonding for Sound Panels
5 × Cardboard boxes (shredded) The dampener material for my sound panels